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Difference between SimpleLogistic and Logistic in Weka




I am working on Weka, but i cannot understand the difference between SimpleLogistic and Logistic classifier. Does anybody know the difference?

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user1769484 Avatar asked Nov 06 '12 20:11


1 Answers

According to the documentation (SimpleLogistic and Logistic), SimpleLogistic uses LogitBoost whereas Logistic uses a ridge estimator. The papers that describe the algorithms are

Niels Landwehr, Mark Hall, Eibe Frank (2005). Logistic Model Trees. Machine Learning 95(1-2):161-205 for SimpleLogistic

le Cessie, S., van Houwelingen, J.C. (1992). Ridge Estimators in Logistic Regression. Applied Statistics. 41(1):191-201 for Logistic.

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Lars Kotthoff Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Lars Kotthoff