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Difference between Session Storage, Local Storage and Cookies in AngularJS

I would like to dig down into Angular, and for that i would like to know the difference between Session Storage, Local Storage and Cookies.

Problem Questions ---

1) $windows.sessionStorage can be used to store user session but the problem with it is, when you open something in a new tab it again ask the user to login.

2) Will Local Storage would be a solution to problem question 1 ? and if so, does that mean i need local storage and session storage both in my app or local storage will act as session storage as well.

3) I am also working on Remember me on my login form - is it safe to store password and email of the user in the local storage for this, if not what is best way to do remember me in angular

4) Cookies are great, but does corporate companies allow them on there browser?

Hoping to find decent answers


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GeekOnGadgets Avatar asked Oct 03 '14 03:10


People also ask

What is the difference between session storage local storage and cookies?

For most cases, we use the localStorage object if we want some data to be on the browser. If we want it on the server, then we use cookies, and the sessionStorage is used when we want to destroy the data whenever that specific tab gets closed or the season is closed by the user.

What is the difference between local storage and session storage in angular?

Step 1 — Understanding localStorage vs sessionStorage The difference is that with sessionStorage , the data is persisted only until the window or tab is closed. With localStorage , the data is persisted until the user manually clears the browser cache or until your web app clears the data.

Are cookies session storage?

Cookies and Sessions are used to store information. Cookies are only stored on the client-side machine, while sessions get stored on the client as well as the server. Read through this article to find out more about cookies and sessions and how they are different from each other.

What is session storage in angular?

Both localStorage and sessionStorage are part of web API which are used to store 'KEY' — 'VALUE' pairs in Angular. Both of them have same APIs and are easy to use. Both of them can be accessed by client side only and server doesn't have access and thus eliminate the security threat cookies present.

1 Answers

1) It is correct that sessionStorage is temporary, and it has been designed to do so.

2) Local storage will solve the issue of the login going away with a new browser session being opened or after waiting a long time, but no, localStorage will not act as a session cookie for browser requests.

3) Many different server side applications support encryption and tamper-resistant cookie support for applications. That being said, it is always best not to store user passwords in the client, maybe a token perhaps that your server will recognize and be able to decrypt/decode and look up the correct user record.

4) I would say nowadays yes, cookies are generally accepted to be safe, however that is always a possibility, and depending on your clients or audience you may have an issue there. Also sessions won't work if cookies are disabled in the browser. (Though my outlook on this is speculation on a general population, ie: don't quote me on that)

My recommendation for your needs is to set a session variable when the user encounters the page. Then store the result in localStorage or with a cookie, and then when the user returns to the application after the session has died, have some architecture set up to re-authenticate and re-assign the session automatically.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Session Cookies are shared between browser tabs within the same window. However Session Storage has been pointed out not to be.

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SnareChops Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
