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Difference between restrict_with_exception and restrict_with_error


Can anyone tell me the difference between these two ways when dealing with object whose parent key is destroyed? What practical reason makes you choose one from the other?

like image 386
Eric Chuhao Chan Avatar asked Jan 03 '18 04:01

Eric Chuhao Chan

2 Answers


If there are any associated records, an exception will be raised with:

class Student< ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :courses, dependent: :restrict_with_exception
  has_many :books


If there are any associated records, an error will be added to the owner (the record you are trying to delete) with:

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :bars, dependent: :restrict_with_error

Expected behavior

For standard validations the error messages contain the translations and the error details contain the keys, as here with a blank error:

f1 = Foo.new
#=> ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Name can't be blank
#=> #<ActiveModel::Errors:0x007fb666637af8
#=> @base=#<Foo:0x007fb6666ddbb0 id: nil, name: nil>,
#=> @details={:name=>[{:error=>:blank}], :type=>[{:error=>:blank}]},
#=> @messages={:name=>["can't be blank"], :type=>["can't be blank"]}>
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Mohammad Shahnawaz Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Mohammad Shahnawaz

Those are dependent option

What is the dependent option?

The dependent option is an option to decide what to do with child records when deleting a parent record if the model that is Rails has a child record.


:restrict_with_exception – if there are any associated records, an exception will be raised.

:restrict_with_exception - if there are child records, then you ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError will encounter.


:restrict_with_error – if there are any associated records, an error will be added to the owner (the record you are trying to delete).

:restrict_with_error - if there is a child record, it can not be deleted, and error information is added to the parent record.

Several Options except those

:destroy - Delete child records with parents.

:delete_all - Delete child records with parents. However, since the record of the DB is deleted directly, the callback processing of the child record is not executed.

:nullify NULL - Update the foreign key of the child record.

You can also google for more

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fool-dev Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
