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Difference between rel="canonical" and og:url?


I'm having trouble understanding canonical URLs with regards to how search engines and Facebook seem to handle them.

My Google maps powered site allows visitors to use social media to request a gig in their country. One of the pages in question can be found at: http://izzy.nogig.in/

When a user clicks on their countries marker it gives them sharing options (twitter/facebook/etc), which when shared will share the URL specifically for that country, eg: izzy.nogig.in/usa? or izzy.nogig.in/spain? etc.

All of these countries in the URL amount to a lot of duplicate content so I use the following to point search engines to the page I want ranked:-

<link rel="canonical" href="http://izzy.nogig.in/_?"/> 

For Facebook Likes to count towards each individual country I've set my Open Graph "og:url" as follows, eg:

<meta property="og:url" content="http://izzy.nogig.in/australia?" /> 

Now when I run a country-specific URL through the Facebook Object Debugger (eg. http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fizzy.nogig.in%2Faustralia%3F) it shows the following:-

Response Code:  206 Fetched URL:    http://izzy.nogig.in/australia Canonical URL:  http://izzy.nogig.in/australia  Mismatch og:url and canonical url: og:url tag in the header is not the same URL as rel='canonical' link in the html. 

The above error is what's confusing me. I know they're mismatched, but I thought this was the correct way to do this.

Everything in the debugger looks good to me (correct link, description, image etc for each country), and I can't change the rel="canonical" value to match my og:url as I need it pointing to a single page (country-less) for search engines.

I believe it is all working correctly. Should I just ignore the error from the debugger, or have I set this up incorrectly? I don't want "likes" for each country all disappearing and counting towards the rel="canonical" URL.

Many Thanks - Will

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Will Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 02:03


People also ask

What is canonical URL?

A canonical URL is the URL of the best representative page from a group of duplicate pages, according to Google. For example, if you have two URLs for the same page (such as example.com? dress=1234 and example.com/dresses/1234 ), Google chooses one as canonical.

What is canonical REL?

A canonical tag (aka "rel canonical") is a way of telling search engines that a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content appearing on multiple URLs.

Do I need canonical URL?

No, it does not. Search engines will still crawl your pages, regardless of whether or not you've set a canonical URL pointing to a different URL. A canonical URL is merely a strong signal for search engines regarding the preferred page that should be showing up in search engine result pages.

When should we use the rel canonical tag?

The rel=canonical tag is used when you think you might have a duplicate content issue, but it doesn't make sense to remove one version of the content or to do a 301 redirect.

1 Answers

link rel="canonical" will be used by search engines where as og:url will be used by facebook

og:url basically tells the FB scraper "ignore anything on this page, and scrape this url instead"

More for Canonical link element: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_link_element

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Hamed Ali Khan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Hamed Ali Khan