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Difference between Readonly<[]> and ReadOnlyArray<>

Code 1:

 let readonlyArray: ReadonlyArray<string | number> = ["test", 1, 1];

Code 2:

let readonlyArray: Readonly<[string, number]> = ["test", 1, 1];

Both lines of code seem to do similar things. I don't know what is the difference between declaring array as ReadOnly and ReadOnlyArray.

Also, which one is best for performance and why?

like image 357
Ramesh Rajendran Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 12:01

Ramesh Rajendran

People also ask

What is ReadonlyArray in TypeScript?

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2 Answers

From a performance point of view there should not be any difference between the two, as at runtime types are erase and the same javascript will run regardless

There is a fundamental difference between the two type at compile time:

Readonly<T> - Is a type that has the same shape as T but all the properties are read-only. In your case the T is the tuple type [string, number], so it will have all the properties of array as well as the indexes 0 and 1. So we can call the push method, but we can't reassign the concat method.

let readonlyArray: Readonly<[string, number]> = ["test", 1, 1];
readonlyArray.concat = ()=> {} // Not valid, concat is readonly 
readonlyArray.push(1); // This is valid 
readonlyArray[1] =  ""; // Invalid we cannot change a property by indexing 
readonlyArray[3] =  ""; // Valid as it was not in the original tuple type 

Edit: Since 3.4, typescript has changed the behavior of mapped types on array and tuples, so Readonly<[string, number]> is now equivalent to a readonly tuple readonly [string, number], so the errors are a bit different:

let readonlyArray: Readonly<[string, number]> = ["test", 1];
readonlyArray.concat = ()=> {} // Not valid, concat is readonly 
readonlyArray.push(1); // This is not invalid, no push method anymore
readonlyArray[1] =  ""; // Invalid we cannot change a property by indexing 
readonlyArray[3] =  ""; // Invalid now tuple length preserved


ReadonlyArray<T> is a true readonly array that does not have any methods that can change the array. In your case any item of the array can be either a string or a number:

let readonlyArray2: ReadonlyArray<string | number> = ["test", 1, 1];
readonlyArray2.concat = ()=> []; // Valid we can set the concat property on the object 
readonlyArray2.push(1) // No push method, invalid
readonlyArray2[1] =  ""; // Invalid it is read only 
readonlyArray2[3] =  ""; // Invalid it is read only 
like image 126
Titian Cernicova-Dragomir Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11

Titian Cernicova-Dragomir


  • The Readonly<T> is not necessarily an array; that expects any type <T>
  • To make the Readonly to store an array of values, the type <T> should be an [T]
  • Does not contain mutable methods

    let readonlyArray: Readonly<string| number> = ["test", 1, 1];    // not assignable
    let readonlyArray: Readonly<[string| number]> = ["test", 1, 1]; // assignable


  • The ReadonlyArray accepts by default an array
  • Contains mutable methods

    let readonlyArray: ReadonlyArray<string| number> = "test";      // not assignable
    let readonlyArray: ReadonlyArray<string| number> = ["test"];   // assignable
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Aravind Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 11:11
