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Difference between racearound condition and deadlock

What is the difference between a dead lock and a race around condition in programming terms?

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ckv Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 04:06


People also ask

What is the difference between deadlock and Livelock?

A deadlock is a state in which each member of a group of actions, is waiting for some other member to release a lock. A livelock on the other hand is almost similar to a deadlock, except that the states of the processes involved in a livelock constantly keep on changing with regard to one another, none progressing.

What is known as a race condition?

A race condition occurs when two threads access a shared variable at the same time. The first thread reads the variable, and the second thread reads the same value from the variable.

What is deadlock condition in thread?

Deadlock describes a condition in which two or more threads are blocked (hung) forever because they are waiting for each other.

What is a race condition give an example?

A simple example of a race condition is a light switch. In some homes, there are multiple light switches connected to a common ceiling light. When these types of circuits are used, the switch position becomes irrelevant. If the light is on, moving either switch from its current position turns the light off.

2 Answers

Think of a race condition using the traditional example. Say you and a friend have an ATM cards for the same bank account. Now suppose the account has $100 in it. Consider what happens when you attempt to withdraw $10 and your friend attempts to withdraw $50 at exactly the same time.

Think about what has to happen. The ATM machine must take your input, read what is currently in your account, and then modify the amount. Note, that in programming terms, an assignment statement is a multi-step process.

So, label both of your transactions T1 (you withdraw $10), and T2 (your friend withdraws $50). Now, the numbers below, to the left, represent time steps.

       T1                        T2        ----------------          ------------------------  1.    Read Acct ($100)            2.                              Read Acct ($100)  3.    Write New Amt ($90)  4.                              Write New Amt ($50)  5.                              End  6.    End 

After both transactions complete, using this timeline, which is possible if you don't use any sort of locking mechanism, the account has $50 in it. This is $10 more than it should (your transaction is lost forever, but you still have the money).

This is a called race condition. What you want is for the transaction to be serializable, that is in no matter how you interleave the individual instruction executions, the end result will be the exact same as some serial schedule (meaning you run them one after the other with no interleaving) of the same transactions. The solution, again, is to introduce locking; however incorrect locking can lead to dead lock.

Deadlock occurs when there is a conflict of a shared resource. It's sort of like a Catch-22.

   T1            T2    -------       -------- 1.  Lock(x) 2.               Lock(y) 3.  Write x=1 4.               Write y=19 5.  Lock(y) 6.  Write y=x+1 7.               Lock(x) 8.               Write x=y+2 9.  Unlock(x) 10.              Unlock(x) 11. Unlock(y) 12.              Unlock(y) 

You can see that a deadlock occurs at time 7 because T2 tries to acquire a lock on x but T1 already holds the lock on x but it is waiting on a lock for y, which T2 holds.

This bad. You can turn this diagram into a dependency graph and you will see that there is a cycle. The problem here is that x and y are resources that may be modified together.

One way to prevent this sort of deadlock problem with multiple lock objects (resources) is to introduce an ordering. You see, in the previous example, T1 locked x and then y but T2 locked y and then x. If both transactions adhered here to some ordering rule that says "x shall always be locked before y" then this problem will not occur. (You can change the previous example with this rule in mind and see no deadlock occurs).

These are trivial examples and really I've just used the examples you may have already seen if you have taken any kind of undergrad course on this. In reality, solving deadlock problems can be much harder than this because you tend to have more than a couple resources and a couple transactions interacting.

Hope this helps a little bit. As always, use Wikipedia as a starting point for CS concepts:



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BobbyShaftoe Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10


A deadlock is when two (or more) threads are blocking each other. Usually this has something to do with threads trying to acquire shared resources. For example if threads T1 and T2 need to acquire both resources A and B in order to do their work. If T1 acquires resource A, then T2 acquires resource B, T1 could then be waiting for resource B while T2 was waiting for resource A. In this case, both threads will wait indefinitely for the resource held by the other thread. These threads are said to be deadlocked.

Race conditions occur when two threads interact in a negatve (buggy) way depending on the exact order that their different instructions are executed. If one thread sets a global variable, for example, then a second thread reads and modifies that global variable, and the first thread reads the variable, the first thread may experience a bug because the variable has changed unexpectedly.

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TFal Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10
