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Difference between N'String' vs U'String' literals in Oracle


What is the meaning and difference between these queries?

SELECT U'String' FROM dual; 


SELECT N'String' FROM dual; 
like image 873
Ganesh Avatar asked Jan 03 '18 11:01


People also ask

What does U mean in Oracle?

(2) The U'' LiteralThe Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is the lowest level API that the rest of the client-side database access products use. It provides a flexible way for C/C++ programs to access Unicode data stored in SQL CHAR and NCHAR datatypes.

What is string literal in Oracle?

A string literal is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by single quotes. The null string ( '' ) contains zero characters. A string literal can hold up to 32,767 characters. PL/SQL is case sensitive within string literals. For example, PL/SQL considers the literals 'white' and 'White' to be different.

What are the types of literals in SQL?

There are four kinds of literal values supported in SQL. They are : Character string, Bit string, Exact numeric, and Approximate numeric.

Which options describe the use of literal. Character strings in a select statement?

Literal strings are enclosed in single or double quotation marks. You can use literal strings just like you normally use a column name in the SELECT statement. The literal string will be displayed in very row of the query result.

2 Answers

In this answer i will try to provide informations from official resources

(1) The N'' text Literal

N'' is used to convert a string to NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 datatype

According to this Oracle documentation Oracle - Literals

The syntax of text literals is as follows:

enter image description here

where N or n specifies the literal using the national character set (NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 data).

Also in this second article Oracle - Datatypes

The N'String' is used to convert a string to NCHAR datatype

From the article listed above:

The following example compares the translated_description column of the pm.product_descriptions table with a national character set string:

SELECT translated_description FROM product_descriptions   WHERE translated_name = N'LCD Monitor 11/PM'; 

(2) The U'' Literal

U'' is used to handle the SQL NCHAR String Literals in Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

Based on this Oracle documentation Programming with Unicode

The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is the lowest level API that the rest of the client-side database access products use. It provides a flexible way for C/C++ programs to access Unicode data stored in SQL CHAR and NCHAR datatypes. Using OCI, you can programmatically specify the character set (UTF-8, UTF-16, and others) for the data to be inserted or retrieved. It accesses the database through Oracle Net.

OCI is the lowest-level API for accessing a database, so it offers the best possible performance.

Handling SQL NCHAR String Literals in OCI

You can switch it on by setting the environment variable ORA_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE to TRUE. You can also achieve this behavior programmatically by using the OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_ON and OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_OFF modes in OCIEnvCreate() and OCIEnvNlsCreate(). So, for example, OCIEnvCreate(OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_ON) turns on NCHAR literal replacement, while OCIEnvCreate(OCI_NCHAR_LITERAL_REPLACE_OFF) turns it off.

[...] Note that, when the NCHAR literal replacement is turned on, OCIStmtPrepare and OCIStmtPrepare2 will transform N' literals with U' literals in the SQL text and store the resulting SQL text in the statement handle. Thus, if the application uses OCI_ATTR_STATEMENT to retrieve the SQL text from the OCI statement handle, the SQL text will return U' instead of N' as specified in the original text.

(3) Answer for your question

From datatypes perspective, there is not difference between both queries provided

like image 133
Hadi Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10


  • N'string' just returns the string as NCHAR type.

  • U'string' returns also NCHAR type, however it does additional processing to the string: it replaces \\ with \ and \xxxx with Unicode code point U+xxxx, where xxxx are 4 hexadecimal digits. This is similar to UNISTR('string'), the difference is that the latter returns NVARCHAR2.

U' literals are useful when you want to have a Unicode string independent from encoding and NLS settings.


select n'\€', u'\\\20ac', n'\\\20ac' from dual;  N'\€' U'\\\20AC' N'\\\20AC' ----- ---------- ---------- \€    \€         \\\20ac 
like image 34
mik Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
