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Difference between let, fun and function in F#

I'm learning F# and I cannot figure out what the difference between let, fun and function is, and my text book doesn't really explain that either. As an example:

 let s sym = function
 | V x -> Map.containsKey x sym
 | A(f, es) -> Map.containsKey f sym && List.forall (s sym) es;;

Couldn't I have written this without the function keyword? Or could I have written that with fun instead of function? And why do I have to write let when I've seen some examples where you write

fun s x = 

What's the difference really?

like image 936
eee Avatar asked May 29 '16 10:05


People also ask

What does F# Let mean?

The let keyword is used in binding expressions to define values or function values for one or more names. The simplest form of the let expression binds a name to a simple value, as follows. F# Copy. let i = 1.

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The fun keyword is used to define a lambda expression, that is, an anonymous function.

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2 Answers

These things are sort of shortcuts to each other.

The most fundamental thing is let. This keyword gives names to stuff:

let name = "stuff"

Speaking more technically, the let keyword defines an identifier and binds it to a value:

let identifier = "value"

After this, you can use words name and identifier in your program, and the compiler will know what they mean. Without the let, there wouldn't be a way to name stuff, and you'd have to always write all your stuff inline, instead of referring to chunks of it by name.

Now, values come in different flavors. There are strings "some string", there are integer numbers 42, floating point numbers 5.3, Boolean values true, and so on. One special kind of value is function. Functions are also values, in most respects similar to strings and numbers. But how do you write a function? To write a string, you use double quotes, but what about function?

Well, to write a function, you use the special word fun:

let squareFn = fun x -> x*x

Here, I used the let keyword to define an identifier squareFn, and bind that identifier to a value of the function kind. Now I can use the word squareFn in my program, and the compiler will know that whenever I use it I mean a function fun x -> x*x.

This syntax is technically sufficient, but not always convenient to write. So in order to make it shorter, the let binding takes an extra responsibility upon itself and provides a shorter way to write the above:

let squareFn x = x*x

That should do it for let vs fun.

Now, the function keyword is just a short form for fun + match. Writing function is equivalent to writing fun x -> match x with, period.

For example, the following three definitions are equivalent:

let f = fun x -> 
  match x with 
  | 0 -> "Zero"
  | _ -> "Not zero"
let f x =  // Using the extra convenient form of "let", as discussed above
  match x with 
  | 0 -> "Zero"
  | _ -> "Not zero"
let f = function  // Using "function" instead of "fun" + "match"
  | 0 -> "Zero"
  | _ -> "Not zero"
like image 197
Fyodor Soikin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Fyodor Soikin

I guess you should really ask MSDN, but in a nutshell:

let binds a value with a symbol. The value can be a plain type like an int or a string, but it can also be a function. In FP functions are values and can be treated in the same way as those types.

fun is a keyword that introduces an anonymous function - think lambda expression if you're familiar with C#.

Those are the two important ones, in the sense that all the others usages you've seen can be thought as syntax sugar for those two. So to define a function, you can say something like this:

 let myFunction = 
     fun firstArg secondArg ->
        someOperation firstArg secondArg

And that's very clear way of saying it. You declare that you have a function and then bind it to the myFunction symbol.

But you can save yourself some typing by just conflating anonymous function declaration and binding it to a symbol with let:

 let myFunction firstArg secondArg =
    someOperation firstArg secondArg  

What function does is a bit trickier - you combine an anonymous single-argument function declaration with a match expression, by matching on an implicit argument. So these two are equivalent:

let myFunction firstArg secondArg =
    match secondArg with
    | "foo" -> firstArg
    | x -> x

let myFunction firstArg = function
    | "foo" -> firstArg
    | x -> x    

If you're just starting on F#, I'd steer clear of that one. It has its uses (mainly for providing succinct higher order functions for maps/filters etc.), but results in code less readable at a glance.

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scrwtp Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
