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Difference between ItemsSource and DataContext as pertains to ListBox


I am not quite grokking the difference between ItemsSource and DataContext. Can someone explain it and back it up with examples? When would I use one or the other.

I am reading the docs and it says that I can bind using DataContext, but I throw an ObservableCollection at it and nothing shows up in the list. If I throw the same collection at the ItemsSource, it works fine.

like image 923
AngryHacker Avatar asked Jul 02 '10 21:07


People also ask

What is the difference between DataContext and ItemsSource?

DataContext does not generate template, it only used to hold common data for other controls to bind. In terms of ItemsSource property, it is mainly used to generate template regardless of you set it in XAML or in the code behind. DataContext is mainly used to hold common data that other child want to share.

What is the use of DataContext in WPF?

WPF will search up the element tree until it encounters a DataContext object if a Source or RelativeSource is not used. Once it finds a non- null DataContext , that object is used for binding. It is useful for binding several properties to the same object.

What is ItemsSource in xaml?

ItemsSource can be data bound to any sequence that implements the IEnumerable interface, although the type of collection used does determine the way in which the control is updated when items are added to or removed. When ItemsSource is set, the Items property cannot be used to control the displayed values.

1 Answers

Controls (including the ListBox) don't do anything with the value of DataContext at all. Its purpose is to provide a context for data bindings.

Lets assume you have a ListBox "myList" and a MyData "myData". The MyData type has a property "People" of type ObservableCollection<Person> and in turn the Person type has the string properties "Forename" and "Surname".

All of the following are equivalent:-

 myList.ItemsSource = myData.People; 


 myList.DataContext = myData;  myList.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("People")); 


 myList.DataContext = myData.People;  myList.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding()); 

Typically though bindings are configured in Xaml and the DataContext of the LayoutRoot is assigned the data object:-

 LayoutRoot.DataContext = myData; 

you might have the following Xaml:-

 <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">    <ListBox x:Name="myList" ItemsSource="{Binding People}">      <ListBox.ItemTemplate>        <DataTemplate>          <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Forename}" Margin="2" />            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Surname}" Margin="2" />          </StackPanel>        </DataTemplate>      </ListBox.ItemTemplate>    </ListBox>  </Grid> 

You'll note a couple of things here. The DataContext of "myList" is not assigned at all. In this case the control's ancestor tree is walked until an ancestor is found that does have a value assigned to the DataContext property.

Also each ListBoxItem dynamically generated for each Person instance has that Person instance assigned as its DataContext which is how the Forename and Surname bindings manage to work.

like image 175
AnthonyWJones Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
