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Difference between equals and colon in Java properties file

In spring, you can have different properties files in order to configure the messages, so they tend to be something like this:

message.key=text here
another.message.key=another text here

But today I saw in a project that it was using this format:

message.key:text here
another.message.key:another text here

I think this applies to any Java properties file, but what is the difference if any?

like image 976
Pablo Matias Gomez Avatar asked May 05 '16 20:05

Pablo Matias Gomez

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1 Answers

If you were really talking about standard Java Properties files, there is no difference between a colon and an equals sign. Either can delimit a key from its value. In fact, you could even mix them in the same file, if you want to annoy readers.

like image 59
erickson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11
