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difference between each.with_index and each_with_index in Ruby?



I'm really confused about the difference between each.with_index and each_with_index. They have different types but seem to be identical in practice.

like image 266
Stan Avatar asked Nov 28 '13 05:11


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The with_index method takes an optional parameter to offset the starting index. each_with_index does the same thing, but has no optional starting index. Show activity on this post. each_with_index was introduced into Ruby earlier. with_index was introduced later: to allow wider usage with various enumerators.

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1 Answers

The with_index method takes an optional parameter to offset the starting index. each_with_index does the same thing, but has no optional starting index.

For example:

[:foo, :bar, :baz].each.with_index(2) do |value, index|     puts "#{index}: #{value}" end  [:foo, :bar, :baz].each_with_index do |value, index|     puts "#{index}: #{value}" end 


2: foo 3: bar 4: baz  0: foo 1: bar 2: baz 
like image 157
blacktide Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
