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Difference between call signature and function type



I'm trying to understand why we have different syntax for call signatures and for function types. Consider the following code:

interface MyInterface {
   // This is call signature
   // It is used inside object type, function expression, function declaration, etc...
    (x:number, y:number):number; 

var myOne : MyInterface = (x,y) => x + y;
            // vv this is function type
var myTwo : (x:number, y:number)=>number = (x,y) => x + y; 
// function type is used in function type literal

In this code myOne and myTwo variables effectively the same. They are (as far as I can see) of the very same type, just defined differently.

Now when we are using interface for defining them we use call signature that looks like this:

(x:number, y:number):number

When we are not using interface we use function type literal:

(x:number, y:number)=>number

Both express the same thing, names and types of parameters and types of the return type. I would like to know, why do we need two different yet so similar ways to write the same thing in typescript?

like image 874
Andrew Savinykh Avatar asked Aug 17 '15 05:08

Andrew Savinykh

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1 Answers

They are exactly the same.

why do we need two different yet so similar ways to write the same thing in typescript

The (x:number, y:number)=>number signature is useful as a property annotation :

interface MyInterface {
    (x:number, y:string):string;   
    someProperty: (x:number, y:number)=>number;

Which is similar to your:

var myTwo : (x:number, y:number)=>number

Just a shorthand for a verbose :

var myTwo : {(x:number, y:number):number}

So you can see the simplicity of ()=>.


One thing to note is that a function signature allows overloading:

var myTwo : {
    (x:number, y:number):number;

Which is not supported for a property annotation.

like image 87
basarat Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10
