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Difference between c() and append()




What is the difference between using c() and append()? Is there any?

> c(      rep(0,5), rep(3,2) ) [1] 0 0 0 0 0 3 3  > append( rep(0,5), rep(3,2) ) [1] 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 
like image 360
mreq Avatar asked Apr 22 '13 10:04


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Is there an append function in R?

Adding elements in a vector in R programming – append() method. append() method in R programming is used to append the different types of integer values into a vector in the last. Return: Returns the new vector after appending given value.

What is append in r programming?

append() function in R is used for merging vectors or adding more elements to a vector. Syntax: append(x, values) Parameters: x: represents a vector to which values has to be appended to. values: represents the values which has to be appended in the vector.

How do I append to a list in R?

To append an element in the R List, use the append() function. You can use the concatenate approach to add components to a list. While concatenate does a great job of adding elements to the R list, the append() function operates faster.

1 Answers

The way you've used it doesn't show difference between c and append. append is different in the sense that it allows for values to be inserted into a vector after a certain position.


x <- c(10,8,20) c(x, 6) # always adds to the end # [1] 10 8 20 6 append(x, 6, after = 2) # [1] 10  8  6 20 

If you type append in R terminal, you'll see that it uses c() to append values.

# append function function (x, values, after = length(x))  {     lengx <- length(x)     if (!after)          c(values, x)     # by default after = length(x) which just calls a c(x, values)     else if (after >= lengx)          c(x, values)     else c(x[1L:after], values, x[(after + 1L):lengx]) } 

You can see (the commented part) that by default (if you don't set after= as in your example), it simply returns c(x, values). c is a more generic function that can concatenate values to vectors or lists.

like image 118
Arun Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10
