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Difference between BEGIN/END and EXEC

what is the difference between



EXEC bc_any_package_pkg.anyProcedure;

I can't find if there is any difference...


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FireVortex Avatar asked Sep 03 '13 08:09


2 Answers

EXECUTE (short EXEC) is a SQL*Plus command that basically wraps a BEGIN END block around your one-liner:

Executes a single PL/SQL statement. The EXECUTE command is often useful when you want to execute a PL/SQL statement that references a stored procedure.

They really are the same when using SQL*Plus, although exec is faster to type.

This is not standard PL/SQL, which means that if you use any other tool than SQL*Plus, there is a chance that exec will not be recognized. It also only works with single lines.

Whereas BEGIN END is standard and will work with any tool that interfaces with PL/SQL. Such blocks can also span more than one line.

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Vincent Malgrat Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

Vincent Malgrat

EXEC (or EXECUTE in its full form) is a SQL Plus command that executes a single PL/SQL statement. So it achieves exactly the same effect as writing an anononymus block of PL/SQL.

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Tony Andrews Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Tony Andrews