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Difference between @TypeChecked and @CompileStatic



Can someone explain the difference between @TypeChecked and @CompileStatic?

I read that with @TypeChecked it is not possible to add new methods at runtime. What other features are not allowed?

Which Groovy Features are allowed with @CompileStatic? Is the bytecode same as compiled with javac in compare to groovyc and @CompileStatic?

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Cengiz Avatar asked Nov 17 '13 11:11


2 Answers


  • @TypeChecked just checks types during compiling, but compiled code behaves same as without @TypeChecked
  • @CompileStatic checks similar to @TypeChecked, but also modifies the code to be type-safe at runtime, meaning methods using dynamic programming will break.
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tkruse Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10


The major difference is the MOP (Meta Object Protocol): @TypeChecked keep methods going through the MOP, while @CompileStatic generate method calls similar to Java's bytecode. This means their semantic are different, but it also means you can still apply metaprogramming on top of a @TypeChecked code, as long as the method call can be resolved at compile time.

The following code shows the MOP acting on a @TypeChecked code, and not on @CompileStatic code:

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic as CS import groovy.transform.TypeChecked as TC  class Foo {   def bar = "bar" }  class TestTC {   Foo foo    TestTC() {     foo = new Foo()     foo.metaClass.getBar = { "metaClass'd bar" }   }    @TC   def typed() {     foo.bar   }    @CS    def compiled() {     foo.bar   } }  assert new TestTC().typed() == "metaClass'd bar" assert new TestTC().compiled() == "bar" 

For @CompileStatic, yes, Groovy tries to generate bytecode close to what javac would output, thus, their performance are very close, with a few exceptions.

(Updated 2016-01-13)

Both @CompileStatic and @TypeChecked will allow:

  • Closures (including Closure delegations through @DelegatesTo);
  • ASTs (which can be used for compile-time metaprogramming);
  • Groovy's syntatic sugar, like those on regex, lists, maps, operator overload and the likes;
  • Extensions.

For @TypeChecked, you can also instruct the compiler to ignore some type checks through a Type Checking Extensions, allowing more flexibility. @CompileStatic also support this, but is a little more restrictive.

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Will Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10
