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Difference between @RestController and @RepositoryRestController


What is the typical use case code that shows the difference between those two annotations - meaning the @RestController and the @RepositoryRestController - ?

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mCs Avatar asked Dec 29 '15 14:12


People also ask

What is difference between @RestController and @controller and explain?

@Controller annotation indicates that the class is a “controller” like a web controller. @RestController annotation indicates that class is a controller where @RequestMapping methods assume @ResponseBody semantics by default. In @Controller, we need to use @ResponseBody on every handler method.

What is @RestController used for?

RestController is a Spring annotation that is used to build REST API in a declarative way. RestController annotation is applied to a class to mark it as a request handler, and Spring will do the building and provide the RESTful web service at runtime.

When should I use RepositoryRestResource?

@RepositoryRestResource is used to set options on the public Repository interface - it will automatically create endpoints as appropriate based on the type of Repository that is being extended (i.e. CrudRepository/PagingAndSortingRepository/etc).

Can we use @RestController instead of @controller?

Now, you don't need to use the @Controller and the @RestponseBody annotation. Instead you can use the @RestController to provide the same functionality. In short, it is a convenience controller which combines the behavior of the @Controler and the @Response body into one.

1 Answers

According to the annotation the RepositoryRestController is a way to provide custom controllers that still take advantage of Spring Data REST functionality.

Spring Data REST Reference Guide, 15.6. Overriding Spring Data REST Response Handlers:

Sometimes you may want to write a custom handler for a specific resource. To take advantage of Spring Data REST’s settings, message converters, exception handling, and more, use the @RepositoryRestController annotation instead of a standard Spring MVC @Controller or @RestController.

Most importantly the RepositoryRestController is aware of the Spring Data REST base path and will be served under this base path.

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Mathias Dpunkt Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Mathias Dpunkt