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Difference between [] and [1x0] in MATLAB


I have a loop in MATLAB that fills a cell array in my workspace (2011b, Windows 7, 64 bit) with the following entries:

my_array =      [1x219 uint16]     [         138]     [1x0   uint16] <---- row #3     [1x2   uint16]     [1x0   uint16]     []             <---- row #6     [         210]     [1x7   uint16]     [1x0   uint16]     [1x4   uint16]     [1x0   uint16]     [         280]     []     []     [         293]     [         295]     [1x2   uint16]     [         298]     [1x0   uint16]     [1x8   uint16]     [1x5   uint16] 

Note that some entries hold [], as in row #6, while others hold [1x0] items, as in row #3.

  1. Is there any difference between them? (other than the fact that MATLAB displays them differently). Any differences in how MATLAB represents them in memory?
  2. If the difference is only about how MATLAB internally represents them, why should the programmer be aware of this difference ? (i.e. why display them differently?). Is it a (harmless) bug? or is there any benefit in knowing that such arrays are represented differently?
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Amelio Vazquez-Reina Avatar asked Oct 12 '11 20:10

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

People also ask

What is the difference between array and vector in Matlab?

Answer: We usually reserve the word "vector" to denote an array that consists of only one column , i.e. is m-by-1, or only one row, i.e is 1-by-n. An array in MATLAB is a generic word that can mean a vector, a matrix, or a higher dimensional object, such as a "matrix" with three or more indices.

What is the difference between vector and scalar in Matlab?

A scalar signal contains a single element. The signal could be a one-dimensional array with one element, or a matrix of size 1-by-1. A vector signal contains one or more elements, arranged in a series.

Is array a vector Matlab?

Array Creation To create an array with four elements in a single row, separate the elements with either a comma ( , ) or a space. This type of array is a row vector.

How do I create an 0x0 array in Matlab?

You also can use the {} operator to create an empty 0-by-0 cell array.

2 Answers

In most cases (see below for an exception) there is no real difference. Both are considered "empty", since at least one dimension has a size of 0. However, I wouldn't call this a bug, since as a programmer you may want to see this information in some cases.

Say, for example, you have a 2-D matrix and you want to index some rows and some columns to extract into a smaller matrix:

>> M = magic(4)  %# Create a 4-by-4 matrix  M =     16     2     3    13      5    11    10     8      9     7     6    12      4    14    15     1  >> rowIndex = [1 3];  %# A set of row indices >> columnIndex = [];  %# A set of column indices, which happen to be empty >> subM = M(rowIndex,columnIndex)  subM =    Empty matrix: 2-by-0 

Note that the empty result still tells you some information, specifically that you tried to index 2 rows from the original matrix. If the result just showed [], you wouldn't know if it was empty because your row indices were empty, or your column indices were empty, or both.

The Caveat...

There are some cases when an empty matrix defined as [] (i.e. all of its dimensions are 0) may give you different results than an empty matrix that still has some non-zero dimensions. For example, matrix multiplication can give you different (and somewhat non-intuitive) results when dealing with different kinds of empty matrices. Let's consider these 3 empty matrices:

>> a = zeros(1,0);  %# A 1-by-0 empty matrix >> b = zeros(0,1);  %# A 0-by-1 empty matrix >> c = [];          %# A 0-by-0 empty matrix 

Now, let's try multiplying these together in different ways:

>> b*a  ans =      []  %# We get a 0-by-0 empty matrix. OK, makes sense.  >> a*b  ans =      0   %# We get a 1-by-1 matrix of zeroes! Wah?!  >> a*c  ans =    Empty matrix: 1-by-0  %# We get back the same empty matrix as a.  >> c*b  ans =    Empty matrix: 0-by-1  %# We get back the same empty matrix as b.  >> b*c ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.  %# The second dimension of the first                                      %#   argument has to match the first                                      %#   dimension of the second argument                                      %#   when multiplying matrices. 

Getting a non-empty matrix by multiplying two empty matrices is probably enough to make your head hurt, but it kinda makes sense since the result still doesn't really contain anything (i.e. it has a value of 0).

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gnovice Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09


When concatenating matrices, the common dimension has to match.

It's not currently an error if it doesn't match when one of the operands is empty, but you do get a nasty warning that future versions might be more strict.


>> [ones(1,2);zeros(0,9)] Warning: Concatenation involves an empty array with an incorrect number of columns. This may not be allowed in a future release.  ans =      1     1  >> [ones(2,1),zeros(9,0)] Warning: Concatenation involves an empty array with an incorrect number of rows. This may not be allowed in a future release.  ans =      1      1 
like image 36
Ben Voigt Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

Ben Voigt