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Difference between a module and a package in Node.js?

I am new to Node.js. What is the difference between a "package" and a "module" in Node.js?

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Breako Breako Avatar asked Nov 15 '13 18:11

Breako Breako

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The Node. js Package Manager (npm) is the default and most popular package manager in the Node. js ecosystem, and is primarily used to install and manage external modules in a Node. js project. It is also commonly used to install a wide range of CLI tools and run project scripts.

What is a module in JS?

A module in JavaScript is just a file containing related code. In JavaScript, we use the import and export keywords to share and receive functionalities respectively across different modules. The export keyword is used to make a variable, function, class or object accessible to other modules.

Are npm packages libraries?

If you are a Node. js developer, using npm packages won't be a new concept to you. From complex npm packages like express to simple packages, npm hosts a large number of Node. js libraries that simplify the workload of Node developers.

What is the difference between package and library in JavaScript?

A module is just a file containing lines of JavaScript code. A library uses one or many modules to provide a set of features. A package is a downloadable, versioned library. Think of someone putting it in a box and shipping it to you, so you can import it and use it in combination with your own code.

1 Answers

Modules are libraries for Node.js. See the below excerpt from the API:

Node.js has a simple module loading system. In Node.js, files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence.

Examples of modules:

  • Circle.js
  • Rectangle.js
  • Square.js

A package is one or more modules (libraries) grouped (or packaged) together. These are commonly used by other packages or a project of your own. Node.js uses a package manager, where you can find and install thousands of packages.

Example of a package:

Shapes             <- Package name   - Circle.js      <-   - Rectangle.js   <- Modules that belong to the Shapes package   - Square.js      <- 

Essentially, you could install the package, Shapes, and have access to the Circle, Rectangle, and Square modules.

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matth Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
