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Difference between 2 ways of passing data to Flutter route




i'm reviewing the flutter.dev tutorials. I'm a bit confused by 2 of their articles.

1) Send data to a new screen https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/navigation/passing-data

2) Pass arguments to a named route https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/navigation/navigate-with-arguments

To me, they more or less both accomplish the same thing but in different ways. It seems #1 passes the data using Navigator's "arguments" parameter and then pulls it out in the target widget via ModalRoute.of(context).settings.arguments. It seems #2 uses the target widget's constructor to receive the data. Am I missing something? When would I use one vs the other?


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user3249281 Avatar asked Jul 24 '19 15:07


People also ask

What are the different ways to create navigation in Flutter?

Flutter provides two types of APIs for navigation: imperative and declarative.

What are routes in Flutter?

In flutter, the pages or screens are called Routes. In android, these pages/screens are referred to as Activity and in iOS, it is referred to as ViewController. But, in a flutter, routes are referred to as Widgets. In Flutter, a Page / Screen is called a Route.

1 Answers

There are two main differences:

  • push vs pushNamed, which means dynamic vs static routes.
  • Who creates the Route subclass. Using push, it's the widget that calls Navigator.push whereas using pushNamed, it's MaterialApp/CupertinoApp or onGenerateRoute.

This has an impact on features such as transitions between routes, separation of concern, or deep links.

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Rémi Rousselet Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Rémi Rousselet