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DIFF utility works for 2 files. How to compare more than 2 files at a time?

People also ask

How can I find the difference between two large files?

You could try a command line diff tool or DiffUtils for Windows. Textpad also has a comparison tool integrated it the files are text. If you just need to detmine if the files are different (not what the differences are) use a checksum comparison tool that uses MD5 or SHA1.

How do I compare three files in beyond compare?

If the main file and the other files are all located in the same folder, load the folder in the Folder Compare. Then select the main file and one of the other files. Right click and select Open to launch the two files in the Text Compare. Repeat for each file that must be compared to main.

What command can be used to show the difference between 2 files?

diff stands for difference. This command is used to display the differences in the files by comparing the files line by line. Unlike its fellow members, cmp and comm, it tells us which lines in one file have is to be changed to make the two files identical.

Displaying 10 files side-by-side and highlighting differences can be easily done with Diffuse. Simply specify all files on the command line like this:

diffuse 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt 4.txt 5.txt 6.txt 7.txt 8.txt 9.txt 10.txt

Vim can already do this:

vim -d file1 file2 file3

But you're normally limited to 4 files. You can change that by modifying a single line in Vim's source, however. The constant DB_COUNT defines the maximum number of diffed files, and it's defined towards the top of diff.c in versions 6.x and earlier, or about two thirds of the way down structs.h in versions 7.0 and up.

diff has built-in option --from-file and --to-file, which compares one operand to all others.

          Compare FILE1 to all operands.  FILE1 can be a directory.

          Compare all operands to FILE2.  FILE2 can be a directory.

Note: argument name --to-file is optional. e.g.

# this will compare foo with bar, then foo with baz .html files
$ diff  --from-file foo.html bar.html baz.html

# this will compare src/base-main.js with all .js files in git repo,
# that has 'main' in their filename or path
$ git ls-files :/*main*.js | xargs diff -u --from-file src/base-main.js

Checkout "Beyond Compare": http://www.scootersoftware.com/

It lets you compare entire directories of files, and it looks like it runs on Linux too.