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Didn't include a pendingIntent in the extras?

I came across this Error message on Logcat while working on an app. Can anyone tell me what it means?

07-24 23:34:20.288    1140-1140/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver﹕ Invalid parameter app
07-24 23:34:20.288    1140-1140/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver﹕ Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras

For your information: I used an AlarmManager in this app

like image 289
Akshat Sharda Avatar asked Jul 24 '15 18:07

Akshat Sharda

2 Answers

It is probably means that you are missing a uses-library deceleration inside the AndroidManifest.xml file. If you can provide 1 line of the log just before getting this error message it will be helpful. You can try and fix it by adding the:

uses-library android:name="com.<your library>" /

under the

like image 74
Eyal Sooliman Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 12:11

Eyal Sooliman

For me I Solved this Error by Giving the right parameter to POST Response in Asynchronous task.

As we see in logcat E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver﹕ Invalid parameter app.This error shows that we are not added the right parameter to POST response.

Previously I had added the parameter like this:

  entity.addPart("latitude", new StringBody("23.234234"));
                  entity.addPart("longtitude", new StringBody("22.234324"));
                  entity.addPart("note", new StringBody("20"));
                  entity.addPart("parking_title", new StringBody("Drop"));
                  entity.addPart("filename[0]", new StringBody("199"));
                  entity.addPart("filename[1]", new StringBody("10"));
                  entity.addPart("filename[2]", new ByteArrayBody(data,"image/jpeg", params[1]));

Then I changed into this:

  entity.addPart("latitude", new StringBody(lat_str));
                  entity.addPart("longtitude", new StringBody(long_str));
                  entity.addPart("note", new StringBody(note_str));
                  entity.addPart("parking_title", new StringBody(parking_titleStr));

                  entity.addPart("filename[0]", new ByteArrayBody(data,"image/jpeg", params[1]));
like image 40
Steve Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 12:11
