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DialogFlow Inline Editor never enabled - Google Actions Code Lab

I am trying to run through the Google Actions tutorials to play around with Google Assistant. I've started with the first Code Lab but when I get to the 6th part, step 2 and try and toggle on the Inline Editor I consistently get:

Your Google Cloud resources are still being provisioned. Please refresh the page and try again in a few minutes.

I've now been trying to toggle this on for a good two days now, so I think something else is wrong. Something else I could be missing or could check?

like image 747
rossco Avatar asked Jun 23 '19 23:06


1 Answers

It is because your projects needs to be available in firebase with setup. Follow these steps and check :

  1. Open https://console.firebase.google.com and choose your project.
  2. On the left menu choose storage and click on get started button. Follow the steps there.

Once it is done, refresh your dialogflow console and check again.

like image 189
Ravi Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11
