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Devise with Ruby on Rails - Force user to change password on first login

I have a RoR application (Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2.0) running Devise. I have set it up so that admin users (identified the "is_admin" boolean I added to the user model) are able to create new user account, provide them with a generated password and confirmation email. This is all working properly. I have also added the datetime column pass_changed which should be updated when a user changes their password, and then checked against created_at to make sure that the password has changed since the account was created. If the two dates are equal then the user is redirected to the password change form.

I wrote a procedure for checking that the user has changed their password and placed it in my application_controller.rb:

def check_changed_pass
@user = current_user
    if @user.pass_changed == @user.created_at #make sure user has changed their password before accessing internal pages
    redirect_to edit_user_registration_path, alert: "You must change your password before logging in for the first time"

Then in my internal_controller.rb (used for all internal that require the user to be logged in:

before_action :check_changed_pass

So far so good, but the problem comes with attempting to update pass_changed at the right time. I have tried various configurations, but I can't find where to put this code so that it triggers when a password is updated, but not every time the user model is updated, which includes every login and logout, when I only want it to trigger if the password gets updated.

If I place "before_save :update_pass_change, only: [:edit, :update]" in my controller it doesn't trigger on a password update, and if I place it in the User model, I have to put the procedure in the model as well and then it won't pick up current_user as its not available in the model. The ideal thing would be if Devise had a hook for after_password_edit similar to the after_database_authentication hook. I had to override Devise's registrations_controller.rb to remove the line

prepend_before_filter :require_no_authentication, only: [ :cancel]

So that admin users would be able to add new users. I tried placing update_pass_change there, but it doesn't seem to trigger before_save on a password edit.

In application_controller.rb

def update_pass_change # records that the user has changed their password
    unless current_user.pass_changed != current_user.created_at
    current_user.pass_changed = Time.now

Similar unanswered question: Ruby on Rails: Devise - password change on first login

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Henry D Avatar asked Apr 02 '15 14:04

Henry D

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Using passwd Command To force a user to change his/her password, first of all the password must have expired and to cause a user's password to expire, you can use the passwd command, which is used to change a user's password by specifying the -e or --expire switch along with username as shown.

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Changing user passwords on Linux First sign on or “su” or “sudo” to the “root” account on Linux, run: sudo -i. Then type, passwd tom to change a password for tom user. The system will prompt you to enter a password twice.

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Using passwd command Another way to force user for password change is to use the command passwd with -e option. The -e option expires the current user password forcing user to set a new one on next login. From the man page of passwd command : -e This is a quick way to expire a password for an account.

2 Answers

You could use a callback on your model and check, before save, if the changes includes your password attribute. Something like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_save :check_password_changed

  def check_password_changed
    self.pass_changed = Time.now if changed.include? 'encrypted_password'
like image 156
Doguita Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09


You can also try this

  1. change datatype of pass_changed to boolean with default value false

  2. Then in your application_controller.rb

    before_action :check_pass_changed
    def check_pass_changed
     unless current_user.pass_changed
       redirect_to custome_password_edit_path, alert: "You must change your password before logging in for the first time"
  3. Then Create custom action in ur users_controller to display the password change form and to update. eg. To display form : custome_password_edit To update : update_user_password also dont forget to write above in routes.rb

  4. after successful change update the value of pass_changed to true

like image 25
Amit Sharma Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Amit Sharma