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Developing in the cloud




I wondering if anyone has tried a pure cloud based development setup, and if so how?


I'm going traveling for about six weeks in Costa Rica, my wife has already forbidden the laptop. I'm worried about being able to provide support to some of the projects I currently have going. While I won't have access to my laptop, I will have access to internet cafes, but the likely hood of being allowed to download source code, let alone install any of my normal development tools is doubtful. I will however have access to a web browser.

My initial thoughts through googling is getting a slice on slicehost. This way I would have a 'machine' complete with ajax console access.

Then using something like Bespin to act as a web based editor.

Combined with some Capistrano recipies and my github account. I think it just might work for my RAILS and PHP projects.

Anyone else tried something like this?

Any thoughst / opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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raytiley Avatar asked Dec 02 '09 01:12


People also ask

What is development in cloud?

Cloud development is the process of creating applications or computing solutions that can be operated entirely on web-based platforms. It provides enhanced flexibility to build and deploy new applications as compared to in-house software development.

What is a benefit of developing in a cloud environment?

Speed to market: Developing in the cloud enables users to get their applications to market quickly. Data security: Hardware failures do not result in data loss because of networked backups. Savings on equipment: Cloud computing uses remote resources, saving organizations the cost of servers and other equipment.

How do I get into cloud development?

Steps to Pursue a Career in Cloud DevelopmentComplete a bachelor's degree in a technical field. Enroll in a Cloud Developer course from a reputed institute. Learn any programming language. Work on cloud-specified projects and gain practical experience.

What is cloud development model?

The cloud deployment model identifies the specific type of cloud environment based on ownership, scale, and access, as well as the cloud's nature and purpose. The location of the servers you're utilizing and who controls them are defined by a cloud deployment model.

2 Answers

For $5 a month, you can get an account with GoToSSH, which is a web-based SSH client. If your web servers support SSH, you can use it to log in remotely and edit your files using vi/emacs/pico/whatever. Of course, this presumes you don't mind bypassing your source control for the sake of being able to quickly deploy fixes.

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S M Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 04:12


There are a few java applet ssh clients you could set up an a machine. I've used mindterm, but it's abandoned.

If the Internet cafe has Windows machines where you can install software, then you're all set. (not uncommon; I was usually able to install putty so I could check my email in Austria, Germany, and Italy on a 3-week trip in 2005.) WinSCP lets you run a text editor on remote files, which would otherwise be painful over a high-latency connection. Most version control systems have command line interfaces, so that should cover most of it.

I'm an old-school command line junkie, so I'm fine with ssh... Your needs may vary.

Just make sure your remote machine has a good UPS and will boot up ok after a power cycle. You'll be too far away to nudge it along if you haven't tested rebooting since last time you changed any config files.

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Peter Cordes Avatar answered Dec 02 '22 06:12

Peter Cordes