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Determing collapse state of Bootstrap Collapse-able element

I display an alert for a user until the density of a shipment goes above a certain value. When the page loads, a function runs that handles all these calculations (in case the user is loading something and not starting from scratch) and if the density is less than X the collapse is shown, otherwise it's hidden.

The problem is that when calling .collapse('hide') or .collapse('show') on an element that's already hidden/shown causes it to do the opposite.

I define my alert as such:

<div class="row spacer-bottom collapse in" id="cubicCapacityWarn">

    <div class="span8 offset1">

        <div class="alert alert-error">
            <h4><strong>Cubic Capacity Warning!</strong></h4>
            Shipment Total PCF less than 6, you may be assessed Cubic Capacity surcharges!



The jQuery that handles all this:

function updateTotals() {

    var total_weight, total_volume, total_density;

    total_weight = 0;
    total_volume = 0;
    total_density = 0;


        var weight, volume, density;

        weight = 0;
        volume = 0;
        density = 0;

        volume = parseFloat($(this).find('.unit_cube').text(), 10);

        $(this).find('tbody.products tr').each(function(pIndex){

            weight += parseFloat($(this).find('.weight').text(), 10);


        density = weight / volume;
        density = density.toFixed(2);


        total_weight += (weight * parseInt($(this).find('.unit_num_of').text(), 10));
        total_volume += (volume * parseInt($(this).find('.unit_num_of').text(), 10));


    total_density = total_weight / total_volume;

    if(isNaN(total_density.toFixed(2))) {
    } else {


$('#cubicCapacityWarn').collapse({toggle: false})

$('#cubicCapacityWarn').on('shown', function(event){
    return false;

$('#cubicCapacityWarn').on('hidden', function(event){
    return false;


    if(parseFloat($(this).text()) < 6) {


    } else {





I was thinking to solve this by testing if it's already collapsed before calling .collapse('show'|'hide') but I don't know how. If there's a more elegant solution to this problem, I'd love to hear it.

Also, I found this issue If the first call to collapse is hide the collapsable will show instead here which seems related but I added the $('#...').collapse({toggle: false}); with no effect.

like image 706
DavidScherer Avatar asked Dec 05 '22 11:12


1 Answers

I know this is an older post, but I've been stuck on this one too. So with bootstrap 4.1 I use this to examine the state of the accordion:

var isVisible = $('#collapseOne').is( ":visible" );

and the other way arround, if You want to check if it is hidden:

var isHidden = $('#collapseOne').is( ":hidden" );
like image 110
Juraj Béger Avatar answered May 26 '23 11:05

Juraj Béger