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Determine whether a swipe event is for a left swipe or a right swipe


I am using Angular 2 and ionic 2 and am trying to capture left and right swipes. I can capture a swipe but can't work out how to determine if it is a left or right swipe.

In my html I have:

<ion-content (swipe)="swipeEvent($event)">

This calls swipeEvent every time a swipe occurs.

My swipeEvent javascript code looks like this:


How can I determine if it is a left or right swipe.

like image 903
Bill Noble Avatar asked May 01 '16 18:05

Bill Noble

People also ask

Is it Swipe right or swipe left?

Swipe right means to like or accept someone, while swipe left means to reject them. The meaning of these two phrases is basically Tinder's core mechanics. If both people swipe right on each other, they'll be matched up.

How do you detect swipe gestures in react?

If you need to detect vertical swipes as well (up and down), you can use e. targetTouches[0].

What is a swipe event?

Definition and Usage. The swipe event is triggered when the user press down and swipes over an element horizontally by more than 30px (and less than 75px vertically). Tip: You can swipe in both right and left direction. Related events: swipeleft - triggered when the user swipes over an element in the left direction.

How is swipe left?

Swipe Left, Swipe Right “Swipe right” means to like or accept someone, while “swipe left” means to reject them. The meaning of these two phrases is taken from one of Tinder's core mechanics.

1 Answers

It looks like the gestures are built on top of HammerJS as stated in the Ionic 2 docs.

You can target specific gestures to trigger specific functionality. Built on top of Hammer.js...

When you trigger a swipe event an object gets passed to the bound method it contains an option e.direction which is a numeric value corresponding to a swipe direction.

Below is the list of direction constants which are defined here in the HammerJS docs

   Name              Value
DIRECTION_UP           8
DIRECTION_ALL          30


Given your ion-content setup

swipeEvent(e) {
    if (e.direction == 2) {
        //direction 2 = right to left swipe.

Useful tip

Alternatively (doesn't look like Ionic have covered this in their gestures doc), you can use HammerJS events in the HTML tag to target a specific swipe direction.

<ion-content (swipeleft)="swipeLeftEvent($event)">

Only found this out by trial and error and it seemed to work for most events!

like image 126
Will.Harris Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10
