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Determine whether a program is running under Wine at runtime


I think the title is self explanatory... I'm writing an application in C++ and I need to determine at runtime if I'm running under Wine (to change the bahavior a little in order to avoid a specific Wine bug). Is there a programmer-friendly way or should I fiddle with running processes?

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kingofx87 Avatar asked Sep 10 '11 14:09


2 Answers

This answer is just a copy of user1457056's comment. Since links often die, answers occasionally become useless. I have copied the link content here in order to preserve this useful answer:

#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) {     static const char *(CDECL *pwine_get_version)(void);     HMODULE hntdll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");     if(!hntdll)     {         puts("Not running on NT.");         return 1;     }      pwine_get_version = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wine_get_version");     if(pwine_get_version)     {         printf("Running on Wine... %s\n",pwine_get_version());     }     else     {         puts("did not detect Wine.");     }      return 0; } 
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Christoph Meißner Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Christoph Meißner

There are many Wine specific registry entries:


Checking if a registry key exists has the answer of how to check for these Wine-specific registry keys.

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Šimon Tóth Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Šimon Tóth