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Determine the difficulty of an english word


I am working a word based game. My word database contains around 10,000 english words (sorted alphabetically). I am planning to have 5 difficulty levels in the game. Level 1 shows the easiest words and Level 5 shows the most difficult words, relatively speaking.

I need to divide the 10,000 long words list into 5 levels, starting from the easiest words to difficult ones. I am looking for a program to do this for me.

Can someone tell me if there is an algorithm or a method to quantitatively measure the difficulty of an english word?

I have some thoughts revolving around using the "word length" and "word frequency" as factors, and come up with a formula or something that accomplishes this.

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Techtwaddle Avatar asked Feb 28 '11 10:02


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Find Its Synonyms So when you face a hard word to understand, immediately find its synonyms and they will make it easier because you know what you can exchange this word with. You can put this word in a sentence, then you replace it with one of its synonyms, and then do it again.

Why is it difficult to define a word?

Common words are not always simple For example, 'awkward' and 'put' are very hard to translate or define, because context is very important to their meaning. Simple English dictionaries can be a good starting point, but do not assume a word is easy to understand for all users because it is common.

2 Answers

Get a large corpus of texts (e.g. from the Gutenberg archives), do a straight frequency analysis, and eyeball the results. If they don't look satisfying, weight each text with its Flesch-Kincaid score and run the analysis again - words that show up frequently, but in "difficult" texts will get a score boost, which is what you want.

If all you have is 10000 words, though, it will probably be quicker to just do the frequency sorting as a first pass and then tweak the results by hand.

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Martin DeMello Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Martin DeMello

I'm not understanding how frequency is being used... if you were to scan a newspaper, I'm sure you would see the word "thoroughly" mentioned much more frequently than the word "bop" or "moo" but that doesn't mean it's an easier word; on the contrary 'thoroughly' is one of the most disgustingly absurd spelling anomalies that gives grade school children nightmares...

Try explaining to a sane human being learning english as a second language the subtle difference between slaughter and laughter.

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BBagi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
