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Determine maximum number of columns from sqlite3




Is it possible to get the maximum number of columns supported from sqlite3 at runtime? This database limitation is established with a compile-time variable SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN (see limits). The default is normally 2000 columns.

I'm looking for something accessible from either the Python or SQL interface.

like image 489
Mike T Avatar asked Jul 26 '13 03:07

Mike T

People also ask

How do I find the number of columns in SQLite?

int sqlite3_column_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the prepared statement. If this routine returns 0, that means the prepared statement returns no data (for example an UPDATE).

What is the limit for the number of columns in a SQLite table?

The default setting for SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN is 2000. You can change it at compile time to values as large as 32767. On the other hand, many experienced database designers will argue that a well-normalized database will never need more than 100 columns in a table.

How do I find the highest number in SQLite?

If you just want the biggest value then you want the SQL equivalent of: SELECT MAX(price) FROM spendings . I tend to use db. rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs) , so it would be: db. rawQuery("SELECT MAX(price) FROM spendings", null) .

What is use of SQLite Max aggregate function?

The SQLite MAX function is an aggregate function that returns the maximum value of all values in a group. You can use the MAX function to accomplish a lot of things. For example, you can use the MAX function to find the most expensive products, find the biggest item in its group, etc.

2 Answers

This appears to be impossible in practical terms (i.e. without a very expensive brute-force approach along the lines of dan04's rather brilliant answer).

The source (1, 2) for the sqlite3 module contains no reference either to SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN or to compile-time limits in general; neither does there appear to be any way to access them from within the SQL interface.


A simple modification of dan04's solution to use a binary search speeds things up considerably:

import sqlite3

def max_columns():
    db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    low = 1
    high = 32767  # hard limit <http://www.sqlite.org/limits.html>
    while low < high - 1:
        guess = (low + high) // 2
            db.execute('CREATE TABLE T%d (%s)' % (
                guess, ','.join('C%d' % i for i in range(guess))
        except sqlite3.DatabaseError as ex:
            if 'too many columns' in str(ex):
                high = guess
            low = guess
    return low

Running the code above through timeit.repeat():

>>> max_columns()
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.repeat(
...     "max_columns()", 
...     setup="from __main__ import max_columns",
...     number=50
... )
[10.347190856933594, 10.0917809009552, 10.320987939834595]

... which comes to an average run-time of 30.76 / 150 = 0.205 seconds (on a 2.6 GHz quad-core machine) - not exactly fast, but likely more usable than the 15-20 seconds of the "kick it 'til it breaks" counting-from-one method.

like image 165
Zero Piraeus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Zero Piraeus

A simple but inefficient way to do this from Python:

import itertools
import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
    for num_columns in itertools.count(1):
        db.execute('CREATE TABLE T%d (%s)' % (num_columns, ','.join('C%d' % i for i in range(num_columns))))
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as ex:
    if 'too many columns' in str(ex):
        print('Max columns = %d' % (num_columns - 1))
like image 35
dan04 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09
