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Determine if a property is a backref in sqlalchemy

I have the following relationship set up in a model:

role_profiles = Table('roleprofile', Base.metadata,
                  Column('role_id', Integer, ForeignKey('role.id')),
                  Column('profile_id', Integer, ForeignKey('profile.id'))

class profile(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'profile'

    # Columns...

    roles = relationship('role', secondary=role_profiles, backref='profiles')

class role(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'role'

    # Columns...

So as I now understand that it works is that the roles property on the profile object will contain a list of role classes (which it does).

What I want to do is to serialize for each property of the model class generically. It works fine for the top class profile and I determine that there is a list of roles that I should recurse into:

# I need a statement here to check if the field.value is a backref
#if field.value is backref:
#    continue

if isinstance(field.value, list):
    # Get the json for the list
    value = serialize.serialize_to_json(field.value)
    # Get the json for the value
    value = cls._serialize(field.value)

The problem is that the backref of the relationship adds a pointer back to the profile. The same profile is then serialized and it recurse the roles over and over again until stack overflow.

Is there a way to determine that the property is a backref added by the relationship?


Maybe I should add that it works fine in this case if I remove the backref since I don't need it but I would like to keep it in.


As a temporary fix I added a class property to my base class:

class BaseModelMixin(object):
    """Base mixin for models using stamped data"""

    __backref__ = None

and add it like this:

class role(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'role'
    __backref__ = ('profiles', )

    # Columns...

and use it like this in my recursion:

if self.__backref__ and property_name in self.__backref__:

If there is a better way please let me know because this doesn't look optimal.

like image 668
Asken Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 13:08


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A foreign key in SQL is a table-level construct that constrains one or more columns in that table to only allow values that are present in a different set of columns, typically but not always located on a different table.

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2 Answers

Not sure if this is the best practice, but this code works for me. It returns True if the attribute is a reference, False if a regular column type.

def is_relation(orm_object, attr_name):
    return hasattr(getattr(orm_object.__class__, attr_name).property, 'mapper')
like image 128
Aleh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09


You can create a __relationships__ in your class BaseModelMixin as a @property, which has a list of all relationships name which are not as a backref name in a model.

class BaseModelMixin(object):
"""Base mixin for models using stamped data"""

    def __relationships__(self):  
        Return a list of relationships name which are not as a backref
        name in model    
        back_ref_relationships = list()
        items = self.__mapper__.relationships.items()
        for (key, value) in items:
            if isinstance(value.backref, tuple):
        return back_ref_relationships

As you have two class profile and role, so

>>> p = profile()
>>> p.__relationships__
    # ['roles']

>>> r = role()
>>> r.__relationships__
   # []
like image 27
Akshay Pratap Singh Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Akshay Pratap Singh