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detecting when user starts video recording

I have a UIImagePickerController which I use to record video. now i want to detect when the user taps on record button. the delegate doesn't provide any such callback.

Is there any good way to find out when the video is being recorded?

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Obaid Avatar asked Jan 20 '23 11:01


1 Answers

You’re right: the delegate doesn’t receive any information on when video capture is happening. The easy solution is to simply roll your own camera controls—setting the showsCameraControls property to NO and providing your own controls in a custom view with the cameraOverlayView property—and have your “capture” button call the image picker controller’s -startVideoCapture and -stopVideoCapture methods, along with providing whatever notification you need to other parts of the app.

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Noah Witherspoon Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 08:01

Noah Witherspoon