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Detecting various touch events in a winforms app

I have a touch screen monitor with 5 touch points. I would like to do some touch work in a new windows forms app but I'm having trouble finding resouces for this.

Is it possible to handle touch events in a winforms app? Im not just talking about Tapping, either. I mean things like Pinching, Swiping (two finger swiping), grabbing and twisting/rotating and zooming?

How can we detect a pinch?

like image 952
jay_t55 Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 05:02


1 Answers

Take a look at WM_GESTURE message, I think you can get some info here, this could also be good and may be this

Since I cant comment on your post, dont take this as a full answer. I help how I can !

like image 154
Touk Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 11:02
