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Detecting the platform (Window or Linux) by Groovy/Grails

Is there a way to detect the platform (Window / Linux) in which the website is running by Groovy / Grails?

like image 598
Hoàng Long Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 08:01

Hoàng Long

1 Answers


will return the name of the OS, e.g. "Windows XP". So if you want to figure out whether you're running on Windows or not, you could do something like:

if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {     println "it's Windows" } else {     println "it's not Windows" } 

Alternatively, org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils (from the Apache commons-lang project) exposes some boolean constants that provide the same information as the code above, e.g.

SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS SystemUtils.IS_OS_UNIX 

More specific constants such as these are also available

SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS_2000 SystemUtils.IS_OS_SOLARIS SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX 
like image 140
Dónal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
