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Detecting JavaScript errors in a UIWebView [duplicate]

I need to have my iPhone Objective-C code catch Javascript errors in a UIWebView. That includes uncaught exceptions, syntax errors when loading files, undefined variable references, etc.

This is for a development environment, so it doesn't need to be SDK-kosher. In fact, it only really needs to work on the simulator.

I've already found used some of the hidden WebKit tricks to e.g. expose Obj-C objects to JS and to intercept alert popups, but this one is still eluding me.

[NOTE: after posting this I did find one way using a debugging delegate. Is there a way with lower overhead, using the error console / web inspector?]

like image 973
Robert Sanders Avatar asked Nov 26 '22 17:11

Robert Sanders

1 Answers

I have now found one way using the script debugger hooks in WebView (note, NOT UIWebView). I first had to subclass UIWebView and add a method like this:

- (void)webView:(id)webView windowScriptObjectAvailable:(id)newWindowScriptObject {
    // save these goodies
    windowScriptObject = newWindowScriptObject;
    privateWebView = webView;

    if (scriptDebuggingEnabled) {
        [webView setScriptDebugDelegate:[[YourScriptDebugDelegate alloc] init]];

Next you should create a YourScriptDebugDelegate class that contains methods like these:

// in YourScriptDebugDelegate

- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView       didParseSource:(NSString *)source
        fromURL:(NSURL *)url
    forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame
    NSLog(@"NSDD: called didParseSource: sid=%d, url=%@", sid, url);

// some source failed to parse
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView  failedToParseSource:(NSString *)source
        fromURL:(NSURL *)url
      withError:(NSError *)error
    forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame
    NSLog(@"NSDD: called failedToParseSource: url=%@ line=%d error=%@\nsource=%@", url, lineNumber, error, source);

- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView   exceptionWasRaised:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame
    forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame
    NSLog(@"NSDD: exception: sid=%d line=%d function=%@, caller=%@, exception=%@", 
          sid, lineno, [frame functionName], [frame caller], [frame exception]);

There is probably a large runtime impact for this, as the debug delegate can also supply methods to be called for entering and exiting a stack frame, and for executing each line of code.

See http://www.koders.com/noncode/fid7DE7ECEB052C3531743728D41A233A951C79E0AE.aspx for the Objective-C++ definition of WebScriptDebugDelegate.

Those other methods:

// just entered a stack frame (i.e. called a function, or started global scope)
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView    didEnterCallFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame
   forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame;

// about to execute some code
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView willExecuteStatement:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame
   forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame;

// about to leave a stack frame (i.e. return from a function)
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView   willLeaveCallFrame:(WebScriptCallFrame *)frame
   forWebFrame:(WebFrame *)webFrame;

Note that this is all hidden away in a private framework, so don't try to put this in code you submit to the App Store, and be prepared for some hackery to get it to work.

like image 147
Francisco Noriega Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 18:12

Francisco Noriega