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Detecting an Apostrophe in a NSString?

I'm using Gamekit to send data via bluetooth between two devices. I want to get the name of the device that sent it, but if the name is "Bob's iPhone" I want to cut off the "'s iPhone". I first check for ending in "iPhone" or "iPod Touch".

 if ([name hasSuffix:@" iPhone"]) 
  name = [name substringToIndex:[name length]-7];
 else if ([name hasSuffix:@" iPod Touch"])
  name = [name substringToIndex:[name length]-11];

But when I do the same for "'s" it never returns true. Also the apostrophe looks slightly different then the default apostrophe.

if ([name hasSuffix:@"'s"]) 
  name = [name substringToIndex:[name length]-2];

Is there some trick to detecting apostrophes? Is there a way I can do this?

EDIT: The apostrophe on the left is what name contains, but is not registering with hasSuffix:@"'s". The apostrophe on the right is the apostrophe I added.

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Thegaber777 Avatar asked Nov 15 '22 08:11


1 Answers

It might be the case of encoded string. You should make sure the string about this cases

is it 's or is it ´s or is it ‘s or some other character.

You may have some other character that is causing you problems.

These are my guess. Hoping this helps you to find out your problem.

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Madhup Singh Yadav Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 03:12

Madhup Singh Yadav