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detect whether ES Module is run from command line in Node

When using CommonJS modules in Node, you can detect whether a script is being run from the command line using require.main === module.

What is an equivalent way to detect whether a script is being run from the command line when using ES Modules in Node (with the --experimental-modules flag)?

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dwhieb Avatar asked Sep 07 '19 23:09


3 Answers


if (import.meta.url === `file://${process.argv[1]}`) {
  // module was not imported but called directly

See the MDN docs on import.meta for details.

Update Sep 27, 2021

Perhaps more robust, but involving an extra import (via Rich Harris)

import {pathToFileURL} from 'url'

if (import.meta.url === pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {
  // module was not imported but called directly
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Casimir Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 13:11


There is none - yet (it's still experimental!). Although the prevailing opinion is that such a check is a bad practice anyway and you should just provide separate scripts for the library and the executable, there is an idea to provide a boolean import.meta.main property for this purpose.

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Bergi Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 13:11


The other answers get close, but will miss the mark for a pretty typical usecase - cli scripts exposed by the bin property in package.json files.

These scripts will be symlinked in the node_modules/.bin folder. These can be invoked through npx or as scripts defined in the scripts-object in package.json. process.argv[1] will in that case be the symlink and not the actual file referenced by import.meta.url

Furthermore, we need to convert the file path to an actual file://-url otherwise it will not work correctly on different platforms.

import { realpathSync } from "fs";
import { pathToFileURL } from "url";

function wasCalledAsScript() {
    // We use realpathSync to resolve symlinks, as cli scripts will often
    // be executed from symlinks in the `node_modules/.bin`-folder
    const realPath = realpathSync(process.argv[1]);

    // Convert the file-path to a file-url before comparing it
    const realPathAsUrl = pathToFileURL(realPath).href;
    return import.meta.url === realPathAsUrl;

if (wasCalledAsScript()) {
  // module was executed and imported by another file.

I would have posted this as a comment on the accepted answer, but apparently I'm not allowed to comment with a fresh account.

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gustavnikolaj Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 13:11
