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Detect tap on the outside of the View in react native

How to detect tap on the outside of the View(View is a small one width and height are 200). For example, I have a custom View(which is like a modal) and it's visibility is controlled by state. But when clicking outside of it nothing is changed because there is no setState done for that, I need to catch users tap everywhere except inside the modal. How is that possible in React Native?

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Nikasv Avatar asked Oct 17 '17 05:10


1 Answers

  onStartShouldSetResponder={evt => {
    if (this.childrenIds && this.childrenIds.length) {
      if (this.childrenIds.includes(evt.target)) {
      console.log('Tapped outside');
  // popover view - we want the user to be able to tap inside here
  <View ref={component => {
   this.childrenIds = component._children[0]._children.map(el => el._nativeTag) 
      <Text>Option 1</Text>
      <Text>Option 2</Text>

  // other view - we want the popover to close when this view is tapped
      Tapping in this view will trigger the console log, but tapping inside the 
      view above will not.


I found these solution here, hope it helps

like image 82
deepak rathod Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10

deepak rathod