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Detect image load

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How do you check image is loaded or not react?

forEach((image) => { image. addEventListener("load", () => updateStatus(imagesLoaded), { once: true }); image. addEventListener("error", () => updateStatus(imagesLoaded), { once: true }); }); return; }, [ref]); return status; };

What is image loaded?

The image is considered completely loaded if any of the following are true: Neither the src nor the srcset attribute is specified. The srcset attribute is absent and the src attribute, while specified, is the empty string ( "" ). The image resource has been fully fetched and has been queued for rendering/compositing.

How check image is loaded or not in jQuery?

To check if an image is loaded successful or not, you can combine the use of jQuery 'load()' and 'error()' event : $('#image1') . load(function(){ $('#result1'). text('Image is loaded!

You can use the .load() event handler, like this:

$("#myImg").load(function() {
  alert('I loaded!');
}).attr('src', 'myImage.jpg');

Be sure to attach it before setting the source, or the event may have fired before you attached a handler to listen for it (e.g. loading from cache).

If that's not doable (setting the src after binding), be sure to check if it's loaded and fire it yourself, like this:

$("#myImg").load(function() {
  alert('I loaded!');
}).each(function() {
  if(this.complete) $(this).load();

It's just as simple to use plain Javascript:

  // Create new image
var img = new Image();

  // Create var for image source
var imageSrc = "http://example.com/blah.jpg";

  // define what happens once the image is loaded.
img.onload = function() {
    // Stuff to do after image load ( jQuery and all that )
    // Within here you can make use of src=imageSrc, 
    // knowing that it's been loaded.

  // Attach the source last. 
  // The onload function will now trigger once it's loaded.
img.src = imageSrc;

I've been also researching this for long time, and have found this plugin to wonderfully help with this: https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded

It seems like an aweful lot of code, but...I found no other way for checking when an image has been loaded.

Using jQuery on('load') function is the right way to check if the image is loaded. But be aware that the on('load') function will not work if the image is already in cache.

var myImage = $('#image_id');
//check if the image is already on cache
     //codes here
     /* Call the codes/function after the image is loaded */
          //codes here

It's easy with jquery:

   //do something

If tried it with:

   //do something
}) ;

but that will not check if the picture is load. That fire done if the code is load. Otherwise you can check if code was done then fire the img load function and check if picture is really loaded. So we do a combination of both:

$('tag')html('<img src="'+pic+'" />').promise().done(function(){ 
     //do something like show fadein etc...
}) ;