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detect if font download in IE is enabled

Is there a way to detect whether the font download property in internet explorer is disabled or enabled?

Currently if I were to implement an @font-face solution (font-squirrel or typekit or other) for font-rendering, all browsers will play nice except if internet explorer has its "Font Download" option disabled.

This setting can be found in IE > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Downloads > Font download > Enable/Disable.

If I can detect this option, I could fall back to javascript methods.

These solutions do not work as this option does not actually disable the feature, it prevents a download from occurring:

  • http://paulirish.com/2009/font-face-feature-detection/
  • http://www.lalit.org/lab/javascript-css-font-detect/

EDIT: I should mention that we cannot not use a server-side solution, it must be purely client-side scripting.

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Scorpius Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 21:11


3 Answers

As this feature prevents a download from occurring, a (rather dirty) solution would be to ask IE to download a so-called font that is actually a simple script on your server that puts eg. a cookie saying “ok he gots the font” and returns a blank page. When the user loads the next page, you will deploy the Javascript machinery if the cookie isn't there.

enter image description here

like image 132
zopieux Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11


I realize this question is old, but this problem still exists for some corporate internet users with strict IT security. I looked into the solutions above and others, but they didn't work well for me, so I found another solution that requires no server side code, no javascript, and no css. Its essentially magic, but it has some limitations.

Limitation 1: This will only work for icon-fonts that use high number codepoints to display images. It will not work for typeface fonts for readable text.

Limitation 2: You must find a standard UTF-8 symbol that is a suitable replacement for your custom icon.

For example, if you have a custom font that you use to display a star symbol, a suitable fallback for this would be unicode code point 0x2605 ★. So, in your font generation code, you would need to hard code that codepoint to your css class for your star icon. If you were using "grunt-webfont" you would do something like this in your grunt file:

webfont: {
    icons: {
        options: {
           codepoints: {
              'star': 0x2605

The star is a perfect example; it may be challenging to find a suitable UTF8 replacement for your fancy icons so this may not work for everyone. Considering that this problem affects a very small number of users, we felt that this was a suitable transparent solution that did not impact regular users with extra js/css/cookie cruft.

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Jake Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11


Based on @Zopieux flow chart, I was able to make this script work for IE6-9 when font-downloading is disabled, which in my case was for a client where like other corporate intranets have this setting disabled.


@font-face {  
    font-family: 'TestFont';  
    src: url('/includes/font.php?type=eot');  
    src: url('/includes/font.php?type=eot#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),  
     url('/includes/font.php?type=woff') format('woff'),
     url('/includes/font.php?type=ttf') format('truetype'),
     url('/includes/font.php?type=svg#UniversLTStd49LtUltraCn') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;  
    font-style: normal;  

PHP, when the font-face src url is requested, it pulls this script, which checks the type, sets the cookie, and serves the webfont of choice. If font-downloading is enabled and you do not re-route to the font file, IE will throw up an @font-face error:

$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$location = "Location: /includes/fonts/universltstd-lightultracn-webfont.".$type;

// create a cookie
setrawcookie("FontDownloaded", 1, time()+3600*24, '/');


JS, then on the client side, do something like this to check for the cookie, and perform the alternative like cufon-yui.js or typeface.js:

$(function() {
    $('body').append('<span id="TestFont"/>');
        fontFamily: 'TestFont',
        opacity: 0

    // find cookie
    bool = Boolean(getCookie('FontDownloaded')); // use your own cookie method

    if (!bool) {
        // implement @font-face fallback        
        Cufon.replace('.items', { fontFamily: 'NewFont' });
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Scorpius Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11
