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Detect home page in Magento .phtml that will work with BLOCK_HTML cache enabled

I have tried the following two methods in catalog/navigation/vert_nav.phtml to add or suppress content specific to the home page:

if($this->getUrl('') == $this->getUrl('*/*/*', array('_current'=>true, '_use_rewrite'=>true))):


Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home'  &&
Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getRouteName() == 'cms' 
) :

Both work fine, however when BLOCK_HTML cache is turned on, it works at first, then after a while the home page starts displaying content that is intended only for other pages (after an else clause I use lower down). When I turn off the BLOCK_HTML, it behaves as expected.

Interestingly I've used the same code (the 1st one) in page/html/head.phtml (for home page specific javascript/css), and in page/html/header.phtml (for a header banner that should only appear on the home page), and these work fine even when BLOCK_HTML is ON.


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rwired Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 09:09


2 Answers

The above answer is the best solution.

You could simply copy app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Nagivation.php



and then change the getCacheKeyInfo() method as described above.

 * Get Key pieces for caching block content
 * @return array
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
    $shortCacheId = array(
        'template' => $this->getTemplate(),
        'name' => $this->getNameInLayout(),
        // Your logic to make home/none home have different cache keys
        Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home' ? '1' : '0'
    $cacheId = $shortCacheId;

    $shortCacheId = array_values($shortCacheId);
    $shortCacheId = implode('|', $shortCacheId);
    $shortCacheId = md5($shortCacheId);

    $cacheId['category_path'] = $this->getCurrenCategoryKey();
    $cacheId['short_cache_id'] = $shortCacheId;

    return $cacheId;

This will make the cache key different for homepage / none-homepage pages, which will cache two copies, rather than caching a single template copy for use on all pages.

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Andrew Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


Here are sources you'd want to read about Block Html cache:

  1. magento forum
  2. some blog
  3. inchoo blog

It would be better for performance to not disable the block completely, but rather specify the cache key in a smart way. So here's what you should do:

  1. First - specify a custom block for your .phtml file. If you don't know what Block is, or how to assign a block to a template file, here's the reference to Alan Storm blog.
  2. Second - you will have to add next code to a Block constructor:

        'cache_lifetime' => 3600,
        'cache_tags'     => array(Mage_Cms_Model_Block::CACHE_TAG),
        'cache_key'      => $this->getCacheKey(),

    As you see, I used here the getCacheKey method from the abstract class Mage_Core_Block_Abstract.

  3. Now you need to make sure the cache_key works for your logic. The Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::getCacheKey uses other method, which should actually specify the unique values for our block - getCacheKeyInfo. You need to redefine it using your logic:

    public function getCacheKeyInfo()
        $isHomepage = 0;
        if (Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home') {
            $isHomepage = 1;
        return array(

    Now you can be sure that cache key for Home Page will differ from cache key to all other your pages, and your cache will return valid info.

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Slayer Birden Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Slayer Birden