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Detect file creation with watchdog


I am trying to detect when a file with a given name is created in a directory. I am doing it thanks to watchdog. The creation is correctly detected but I don't know how to terminate the application properly once the detection is done.

My piece of code is the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  import logging import sys import time  from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)  class MyEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):     def __init__(self, observer, filename):         self.observer = observer         self.filename = filename      def on_created(self, event):         print "e=", event         if not event.is_directory and event.src_path.endswith(self.filename):             print "file created"             self.observer.unschedule_all()             self.observer.stop()  def main(argv=None):     path = argv[1]     filename = argv[2]     observer = Observer()     event_handler = MyEventHandler(observer, filename)     observer.schedule(event_handler, path, recursive=False)     observer.start()     observer.join()     return 0  if __name__ == "__main__":     sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) 

I am new to python and I cannot figure out what is wrong. The detection seems to be scheduled in a dedicated thread and the join() method is waiting for this thread to terminate. Thus, I suppose that I am not calling the right method on the observer to stop waiting/looping, but the watchdog documentation seems really not clear to point out what are the methods that may be used.

Does someone have an idea how I can achieve my goal?

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Laurent Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 12:08


People also ask

What is a watchdog file?

watchdog is an open-source python API library that is a cross-platform API to monitor file system events. You can specify a folder or a directory to watchdog observer, which keeps monitoring the folder for any changes like file creation, modification, deletion, or moving of files from one folder to another.

What is watchdog module?

The Linux kernel watchdog is used to monitor if a system is running. It is supposed to automatically reboot hanged systems due to unrecoverable software errors. The watchdog module is specific to the hardware or chip being used. Personal computer users don't need watchdog as they can reset the system manually.

How do I see directory changes in Python?

Autoreload is a simple python script to watch a directory for changed files and restarts a process when the change is detected. For instance, I run ./autoreload python main.py. This first runs python main.py, then watches the current working directory and all subdirectories for changes.

2 Answers

Finally, after taking a look at the watchdog implementation, it is not necessary to call unschedule_all before stop, this is done automatically. Removing the line containing this method call fixes the issue and the application is running perfectly.

like image 56
Laurent Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09


Also, the below script is used to observe filename at a specific path using the PatternMatchingEventHandler.

import time from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler import sys   class Watcher:     def __init__(self, path, filename):         self.observer = Observer()         self.path = path         self.filename = filename      def run(self):         event_handler = Handler(self.filename)         self.observer.schedule(event_handler, self.path, recursive=True)         self.observer.start()         try:             while True:                 time.sleep(1)         except:             self.observer.stop()             print("Error")          self.observer.join()   class Handler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):     def __init__(self, filename):         super(Handler, self).__init__(             patterns=[filename],             ignore_patterns=["*.tmp"],             ignore_directories=True,             case_sensitive=False,         )      def on_any_event(self, event):         print(             "[{}] noticed: [{}] on: [{}] ".format(                 time.asctime(), event.event_type, event.src_path             )         )   if __name__ == "__main__":     path = "."     filename = "test.csv"      w = Watcher(path, filename)     w.run() 


[Tue Feb  9 01:55:38 2021] noticed: [created] on: [/Users/mt/Documents/stackoverflow/test.csv]  [Tue Feb  9 01:55:44 2021] noticed: [modified] on: [/Users/mt/Documents/stackoverflow/test.csv]  [Tue Feb  9 01:56:01 2021] noticed: [deleted] on: [/Users/mt/Documents/stackoverflow/test.csv]  

It is also possible to determine the creation of a new file without installing additional libraries.

import os import time   def watch_file(filename, time_limit=3600, check_interval=60):     """Return true if filename exists, if not keep checking once every check_interval seconds for time_limit seconds.     time_limit defaults to 1 hour     check_interval defaults to 1 minute     """     now = time.time()     last_time = now + time_limit          while time.time() <= last_time:         if os.path.exists(filename):             return True         else:             # Wait for check interval seconds, then check again.             time.sleep(check_interval)     return False   if __name__ == "__main__":     filename = "test.csv"     time_limit = 60     check_interval = 1      if watch_file(filename, time_limit, check_interval):         print(f"File created: {os.path.abspath(filename)}")     else:         print(             f"File {filename} not found after waiting: {time_limit} seconds!"         ) 


File created: /Users/mt/Documents/stackoverflow/test.csv 
like image 23
Milovan Tomašević Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Milovan Tomašević