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Detect drop with jQuery sortable

I'm playing with jQuery Sortable (http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/) to display nested lists, move elements and then save the final results. The final goals is to manage a site structure/hierarchy by displaying categories and pages with drag & drop possibilities.

Displaying the list, dragging and dropping elements and saving the output works fine. I now would like to detect drop events to indicate which elements have been moved. This would help me to avoid updating the whole site structure while only a few elements have moved.

My nested list looks like this:

<ol id="structure" class="tree serialization">
  <li class="placeholder-children ui-droppable">
       <li class="placeholder-children ui-droppable">LABEL</li>
       <li class="placeholder-children ui-droppable">LABEL
          <li class="placeholder-children ui-droppable">LABEL</li>

LI are all droppable and draggable

everything is initialized with:

  $(function  () 

Now comes the difficult part, I try to detect drop events.

The following one doesn't work at all:

$( ".placeholder-children" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {

This one works but freezes my page:

                group: 'serialization',
                onDrop: function (item, container, _super) 

This code triggers the expected alert but the dragging freezes and I can't modify anything in my list anymore. It's like the whole screen is frozen as I can't move or click anything anymore. I need to reload the page get out of it.

Note: without the alert, it also freezes.

Any idea?

UPDATE: I have added a JSfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/t9mp80yw/ but I don't know how to call the .js file so that the script can be initialized. I have tried to added the file hosted on my server but it looks like jsfiddle doesn't accept external files.

UPDATE2 I have tried the script with Firefox and Internet Explorer, same issue.

Thanks a lot


PS: not shown here but jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Sortable are correctly loaded

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Laurent Avatar asked Dec 15 '14 20:12


2 Answers

stop: function(event, ui) {
    console.log('Sortable stop');
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Sameh Shahin Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Sameh Shahin

The onDrop function needs you to do certain things.

From http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/#nested

onDrop: function (item, container, _super) {

It looks like super is a callback that needs to be called if you override onDrop. Replace your onDrop function with this and it works.


The best way to learn a new library is to paste in some of their working example code and go from there.

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DanielST Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
