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Detect clicked element by using directive


<div my-dir>
   <tour step=" currentstep">
       <span tourtip="Few more steps to go."

I have written below directive to detect the x element of tour directive.But it always shows the parent div element even though I have clicked the x.So how can I do this ? Thanks in advance.


.directive('myDir', [
  function($document) {

    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      scope: true,
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

        element.on('click', function(e) {
          scope.$apply(function() {
            if (element[0].className === 'tour-close-tip') {
              console.log('my task');
          e.stopPropagation(); //stop event from bubbling up to document object



enter image description here

This is the generated HTML on the browser:

<div hide-element-when-clicked-out-side="" class="ng-scope">
   <tour step=" currentstep" class="ng-scope">
     <span tourtip="Few more steps to go.!" tourtip-next-label="Close" tourtip-placement="bottom" tourtip-offset="80" tourtip-step="0" class="ng-scope">
      </span><div class="tour-tip" tour-popup="" style="display: block; top: 80px; left: 0px;">
    <span class="tour-arrow tt-bottom"></span>
    <div class="tour-content-wrapper">
        <p ng-bind="ttContent" class="ng-binding">Few more steps to go.!</p>
        <a ng-click="setCurrentStep(getCurrentStep() + 1)" ng-bind="ttNextLabel" class="small button tour-next-tip ng-binding">Close</a>
        <a ng-click="closeTour()" class="tour-close-tip">×</a>

Can you tell me how to access class="tour-close-tip" element within the above directive ? For me it always shows the ng-scope as the class.

like image 917
Sampath Avatar asked Apr 22 '15 12:04


2 Answers

You can either bind directly to that element or check which element has been clicked on, using the target attribute:

element.on('click', function (e) {
  scope.$apply(function () {
    if (angular.element(e.target).hasClass('tour-close-tip')) {
like image 191
a better oliver Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10

a better oliver

Your eventListener is not on the X but on the outer div element. One option would be to add the listener to the X element using a query selector on the element

You could try something like the following to get the X span and add the listener


Another probably better approach would be to use event delegation such as

  element.on('click', selector, function(e){       


Edit: I see your comment regarding not using JQuery so this may not work as Angular doesn't support event delegation with .on as far as I am aware.

like image 41
Asta Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 18:10
