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Detached vs. Joinable POSIX threads

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Is detached thread joinable?

Detached Thread & pthread_detach() A Detached thread automatically releases it allocated resources on exit. No other thread needs to join it. But by default all threads are joinable, so to make a thread detached we need to call pthread_detach() with thread id i.e.

What does it mean for a thread to be joinable?

A thread object is said to be joinable if it identifies/represent an active thread of execution. A thread is not joinable if: It was default-constructed. If either of its member join or detach has been called. It has been moved elsewhere.

Is thread joinable by default?

thread::joinable So a default constructed thread is not joinable. A thread that has finished executing code, but has not yet been joined is still considered an active thread of execution and is therefore joinable.

What is thread detached state?

1. Causes all the threads created with attr to be in a detached state. A detached thread will have its resources automatically freed by the system at termination. Thus, you cannot get the thread's termination status, or wait for the thread to terminate by using pthread_join().

  1. Create a detached thread when you know you won't want to wait for it with pthread_join(). The only performance benefit is that when a detached thread terminates, its resources can be released immediately instead of having to wait for the thread to be joined before the resources can be released.

  2. It is 'legal' not to join a joinable thread; but it is not usually advisable because (as previously noted) the resources won't be released until the thread is joined, so they'll remain tied up indefinitely (until the program exits) if you don't join it.

When should I create a thread as detached, right from the outset?

Whenever the application doesn't care when that thread completes and doesn't care about its return value of a thread, either (a thread may communicate a value back to other thread/application via pthread_exit).

For example, in a client-server application model, a server may create a new thread to process each request. But the server itself doesn't care about thread's return value of the thread. In that case, it makes sense to created detached threads.

The only thing the server needs to ensure is that the currently processed requests are completed. Which it can do so, just by exiting the main thread without exiting the whole program/application. When the last thread in the process exits, the application/program will naturally exit.

The pseudocode might look like:

/* A server application */

void process(void *arg)
    /* Detach self. */
    /* process a client request. */

int main(void)

    while (not_done) {
        pthread_t t_id;
        errno = pthread_create(&t_id, NULL, process, NULL);
        if (errno) perror("pthread_create:");

    /* There may be pending requests at this point. */
    /* Just exit the main thread - not the whole program - so that remaining
       requests that may still be processed can continue. */

Another example could be a daemon or logger thread that logs some information at regular intervals for as long as the application runs.

Does it offer any performance advantage vs. a joinable thread?

Performance-wise, there's no difference between joinable threads vs detached threads. The only difference is that with detached threads, its resources (such as thread stack and any associated heap memory, and so on - exactly what constitutes those "resources" are implementation-specific).

Is it legal to not do a pthread_join() on a joinable (by default) thread?

Yes, it's legal to not join with a thread. pthread_join is a just convenience function that's by no means needs to be used unless you need. But note that the threads created are joinable threads by default.

An example when you might want to join is when threads do a "piece" of work that's split between them. In that case, you'd want to check all threads complete before proceeding. Task farm parallelism is a good example.

Or should such a thread always use the detach() function before pthread_exit()ing?

Not necessary. But you'd often want to decide whether you want a joinable or detached thread at the time of creation.

Note that while a detachable thread can be created in by setting the attribute PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED with a call to pthread_attr_setdetachstate, a thread decide can decide to detach itself at any point in time e.g. with pthread_detach(pthread_self()). Also, a thread that has the thread id (pthread_t) of another thread can detach with pthread_detach(thread_id);.