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Destructuring Nested objects in javascript | Destructure second level parent and child Objects

I need to destructure and get values of title, child, childTitle from this object

const obj1 = {
   title : 'foo',
   child : {
       title2 : 'bar'

let {title, child} = obj1;
console.log(title)   // 'foo'
console.log(child)   // { title : 'bar' } 

// but couldn't get child object this way

let { title , child : { title2 } } = obj1;
console.log(title)   // 'foo'
console.log(child)   // undefined
console.log(title2)  // 'bar'

How could I get the child object?

like image 284
Varun S Avatar asked Jan 21 '19 15:01

Varun S

Video Answer

1 Answers

child: { title2 } is just destructuring the child property. If you want to pick up the child property itself simply specify it in the statement: let { title, child, child: { title2 } } = obj1;

const obj1 = {
  title: 'foo',
  child: {
    title2: 'bar'

let { title, child, child: { title2 } } = obj1;

like image 81
Andy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
