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Destructured parameters causing eslint no-shadow error

My understanding is destructuring like this will pick properties from the incoming argument object:

const last = "Smith" // unrelated const

const full = function({ first, last }) {
  return [first, last].filter(v => v).join(" ")

full({last: "Doe"}) // "Doe"
full({}) // ""

And this seems to work the same for imports.

import last from "last"; // unrelated import

export function full({ first, last }) {
  return [first, last].filter(v => v).join(" ")

full({last: "Doe"}) // "Doe"
full({}) // ""

Why then does this cause a no-shadow eslint error?

error 'last' is already declared in the upper scope no-shadow

Is there any circumstance where full could have access to the outer reference? No, right? How might I keep syntax close to this without renaming the unrelated outer last reference?

like image 460
ryanve Avatar asked Jun 08 '17 20:06


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1 Answers

It's causing an eslint error because last is declared in the import and in the the function as an argument. So inside the function, the argument last is shadowing the import last. You simply need to change the name of the parameter inside the function or turn eslint off.

import last from "last"; // unrelated import

export function full({ first, last: lst }) {
  return [first, lst].filter(v => v).join(" ")

full({last: "Doe"}) // "Doe"
full({}) // ""


import last from "last"; // unrelated import

export function full({ first, last }) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
  return [first, last].filter(v => v).join(" ")

full({last: "Doe"}) // "Doe"
full({}) // ""
like image 107
searsaw Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
