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Destructure object properties into array values

Is there any way to destructure an object and assign its properties into an array rather than as variables? For example:

const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };

const { a, b } = obj;
const arr = [a, b];

This works, but it requires restating the variables as the array values.

I have tried:

const arr = [(const { a, b } = obj)];

but this is a syntax error.

I had a similar idea with Object.values as in

const arr = Object.values((const { red } = chalk));`

...but this has the same issue of not being able to do destructuring in expressions.

like image 808
Explosion Pills Avatar asked Feb 09 '18 15:02

Explosion Pills

2 Answers

Really the answer you want is to go back in time and use the with statement before it was (rightly) recognized as evil:

var obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
var arr;
with (obj) {
   arr = [a, b];

Any modern answer is going to require more typing than you'd like. A relatively type-safe answer that gets you closer is to use string literals. Stick this in a library:

function arrayDestruct<T, K extends keyof T>(obj:T, ...keys: K[]): T[K][] {
  return keys.map(k => obj[k]);

And then use it:

const arr = arrayDestruct(obj, 'a', 'b'); // recognized as number[]

You have to type some quotation marks but it works. It could even be overloaded to produce tuples, but I don't know if you really care enough. Anyway, good luck!

like image 92
jcalz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 10:11


Is there any way to destructure an object and assign its properties into an array rather than as variables?

You can do

const arr = [];
const { a: arr[0], b: arr[1] } = obj;

but I think what you are really looking for is the equivalent to One-liner to take some properties from object in ES 6 which with an array literal would be

const arr = (({a, b}) => [a, b])(obj);
like image 40
Bergi Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11
