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Desktop application in Java [closed]

I am new to Java and want to create a Desktop application in Java. This application Reads and Writes different files.

Would someone please recomend me, what do i need for that and should I purchase a book or something else.


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user160820 Avatar asked Apr 13 '11 09:04


People also ask

Can Java be used for desktop applications?

As mentioned, Java can be used to create desktop applications. These applications can have attractive interfaces and designs, they can store and retrieve data from a database, and much more. For desktop application development, you can use Java Frameworks to build Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).

How do I close a different program in Java?

exec("taskkill /F /IM cwserv5.exe"); This will force the process with image name cwserv5.exe to end. If you don't want to force it to end, don't use the /f tag.

How do you exit a Java application?

To end a Java program, we can use the exit() method of the System class. It is the most popular way to end a program in Java. System. exit() terminates the Java Virtual Machine(JVM) that exits the current program that we are running.

How do I close Java GUI?

The first option which is the default is EXIT_ON_CLOSE which terminates the Java swing GUI program when you click the close button on the JFrame window. Another option is DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE which terminates JVM if the last displayable window is disposed of.

How to build a desktop application with Java?

How to Build a Desktop Application with Java 1 Translation Logic. First before diving into the graphics part, let’s look at the driving logic. ... 2 GUI Elements In Java. Java has a rich set of GUI elements that serve as building blocks for a complete GUI Desktop Application. 3 Event Listeners. ... 4 Main Method. ... 5 Source Code. ...

What is the use of desktop class in Java?

The Desktop class is a part of Java AWT package. This class is used to launch associated applications registered on the native desktop to handle a URI or a file. It can launch a registered application to open, edit or print a specific file.

What is the use of Java in software development?

This language is used for developing Android applications, web applications, desktop applications and many more. Also, it is the most preferred language to be learnt among students and professionals. Many companies require java developers for building software applications.

What is Java AWT | desktop class?

Java AWT | Desktop Class. The Desktop class is a part of Java AWT package. This class is used to launch associated applications registered on the native desktop to handle a URI or a file. Important Points About Desktop Class : It can open a default web browser showing a specific URI. It can launch default mail client with optional mailto URI.

2 Answers

create a Desktop application in Java

Learn Swing/awt/JFX.

This application Reads and Writes different files.

Learn File Operation in java

like image 97
Harry Joy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Harry Joy

I suggest using NetBeans IDE and follow its tutorials. Its the easiest way to develop a Java Deskotp Application with a GUI.

like image 29
aseychell Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
