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Designing UML class diagram tool




Im doing a personal project on UML class diagram tool in java and running in a few design/programming issues.

The very first thing is the class diagram boxes. I'm thinking if I build my own component to represent it but when it is drawn on a panel, it will be awkward to move around with mouse. Because all the layout managers in java wont let me put the box anywhere freely.

Or if I choose to draw my component as a rectangle box on the panel then it will be the simplest to implement but I can't move it around with mouse.

Any hint or pointer in how should I go on about this?

like image 305
bili Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 09:12


2 Answers

The Component Mover class can help you out with dragging components.

like image 143
camickr Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 07:01


Also consider JGraph, which serves as a foundation for several diagramming tools.

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trashgod Avatar answered Jan 07 '23 07:01
