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Design view in aspx doesnt load


If I click "Design" the code still shows (but is not selectable). If I minimize and maximize it shows the below instead of the designer.

I have tried repairing VS2015 and safe mode, still doesn't work. I also tried setting the default "Open With" program, but nothing changed no matter what I set.

HTML files have the same problem. I have tried rebooting as well. Running Windows 10

Nothing has been changed recently.

What is causing this?

enter image description here

like image 796
FrostyFire Avatar asked Nov 05 '15 23:11


1 Answers

If anybody gets here via google, as I did myself when I encountered this behavior:

I was able to solve the error by installing Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 (Version 14.0.25123.00) from the installation DVDs .iso-image. You can check the version you're running by navigating to HELP > About Microsoft Visual Studio

About VS 2015

After doing so, i was able to access the designer.

like image 65
M463 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09
